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About This File
This remix of the Sherpa Micro extruder uses the RIDGA gears from a Vz Hextrudort. Other than using 'twirl' gears, they are also 5mm shorter than the standard Bondtech gears which solves the collision that a stock Sherpa has with the 5015 blower in a Stealthburner.
I mirrored the extruder about the Y axis to put the tensioning screw on the left side and added a filament release lever since the idler_arm is not accessible when installed in a Steathburner. This requires a modified idler_arm for ridgidity. I have also added a shield over the 50t gear to protect the toolhead wiring.
This design fits the official Stealthburner_main_body as well as the official cable_door. The cable chain mounts were adjusted to clear the stepper motor but otherwise remain stock. Below is a list of the hardware that differs from a standard Stealthburner CW2 install.
1 - Mellow CNC Vz HextrudORT drive gears Set 7
2 - M3x25 screws below extruder (from the front)
1 - M2x10 self tapping screw at the top (from behind)
2 - M3x12 screws to secure extruder
1 - M3x10 screw to attach filament release lever
The Sherpa Micro Vz RIDGA will need some basic components from a BMG Dual Drive kit.
2 - MR85 bearings
1 - Thumbscrew with tensioning spring and washer
2 - 3mm steel pins for idler_arm pivot and idler gear
The included .blend file shows the complete CW2 assembly with hardware. You can select any part and press [H] to hide it. Pressing [Alt] + [H] shows everything again. Pressing [F2] while a part is selected brings up the Rename dialog so you can see the name of each component i.e. "M3x25_BHCS".
I have included .stl files for building a standard Sherpa Micro, with standard BMG gears, but adding the filament_release_lever. The files added here are mirrored to put the tension screw on the left but can each be mirrored back in the slicer to match the official orientation. Below is a list of the parts required:
1 - Sherpa_Micro_VzRIDGA_Back_v1.1.stl
1 - Sherpa_Micro_Core_mirrored.stl (official geometry mirrored)
1 - Sherpa_Micro_VzRIDGA_Front.stl (official geometry mirrored)
1 - Sherpa_Micro_Idler_Arm_FR-Lever_mirrored.stl
1 - Sherpa_Micro_VzRIDGA_Filament_Release_Lever.stl
The extruder parts are licensed under the Annex Engineering License and the Clockwork 2 parts are licensed under the GPL v3 License.