About This File
I've made some alternative beacon mounts for myself that i'll share
I wasn't happy with the original mount because as soon as the carriage got a bit melted the probe would start touching the heat block (see attached photo). I also believe because the probe is so close to the heater it causes the mount the deform.
I've made a mount that sits the probe back 2mm from the original but I have not tested this one, this brings me the other other mount I made.
The second mount is specific to a Dragon hotend that is rotated 180°. I did this to be able to see the nozzle better and it's now possible as there is no more probe in the way of achieving this. So far it's working well for me
I've printed my parts out of PCCF so if anyone can report their findings with an ABS mount that would be great but moving the probe should have done the trick.
The original beacon mount from annex can be found here if you were looking for that: https://github.com/Annex-Engineering/Annex-Engineering_User_Mods/tree/main/Printers/Non_Annex_Printers/VORON_Printers/VORON_V2dot4/annex_dev-stealthburner_beacon_x_carriage