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About This File
I designed this roller spool holder for the Switchwire after modifying and existing 2.4 roller spool holder to make it easier to print.
Roller (1 req'd) should be printed vertically. I chose gyroid infill as it doesn't cross over infill lines that've already been printed like cubic that can potentially knock the part off the print bed. Use standard Voron print specifications.
Pegs (2 req'd) for the ends should be printed vertically. I increased the perimeters to 6 so that I didn't need infill and also added a brim to further stabilize the parts during printing.
The Roller Holder (1 req'd) should be printed with the flat side down. You will need, at a minimum, supports for the hook and stub that mount into the Spool Holder Bracket. I used the default supports in SuperSlicer.
Bearings: Bearings are 8mm ID x 22mm OD x 7mm wide sealed ball bearings. Two required.
Spool Holder Bracket: This is the standard Voron Design spool holder bracket for the Switchwire. Print per Voron specifications.