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Bowden tube guide + CANBUS Wire support v. 1.0.0

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PTFE bowden tube guide and CANBUS wire support

Required Hardware:

  • M3x8 Bolt and M3 T-nut
  • M5x10 Bolt or a M5x8
  • Optional 4mm drill bit for cleaning out bowden tube path


In my 350 build the PTFE tube kept getting caught so I made this arm to keep it up. The shorter arm works better so I recommend using it instead
The setup has also been used by a few user to support their CANBUS wires (zip tied to the reverse bowden)


  • Drill out bowden guide with 4mm drill bit for a perfect fit (optional)
  • Bolt mount to rear frame with M3x8 and tnut putting the lip at the top
  • Screw arm on with M5x10 (I used a M5x8mm and it works fine) into the plastic allowing the arm to still be able to swivel



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