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About This File
Afterburner MGN12 Carriage with Integrated Euclid Probe
Euclid Probe by nionio6915 (Github), https://www.euclidprobe.com/
This is a modified version of the MGN12 carriage for a Voron Trident or modded Voron 2.4 with a cutout for mounting the upper Euclid PCB.
Other than requiring a Euclid Probe, the only additional parts needed for the MGN12 carriage are two M3 heatset inserts for mounting the upper PCB.
When installed, the Euclid's magnets should barely protrude from the bottom of the carriage.
The JST connector should be easily accessible from above
Probe Dock
The Euclid Probe project has Voron docks available on euclidprobe.com, under