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V01 Skirt Buttons v. 2021.12.08

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About This File

Voron 0.1 skirt buttons


For each button you will need to print: 1x Nut.stl, 1x Lock.stl, 1x Button-.stl

  1. Print with a 0.1mm layer_height (after the first layer) to improve the quality of the threads,
  2. Solder two wires toward the inside of the legs of a 5mm tactile switch, add some heatshrink,
  3. Push the 5mm tactile switch into the button housing and snap the locking piece behind,
  4. Install the button throught a hexagonal hole in the skirt and screw the printed nut behind,
  5. Optional, use the hole in the locking piece and a ziptie for attaching the cables (strain relief).

CAD photo1 photo2


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