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Stealth Zero v. 2022.09.23

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About This File

Stealth Zero

A low poly gantry mod for the Voron V0.1

Image of Stealth Zero Gantry

In anticipation of the Mini Stealthburner I decided to alter the design of the V0.1 gantry to match the low poly aesthetic.

You can find the low poly front bed mount here: https://github.com/MapleLeafMakers/Stealth_Bed_Front


I feel like it is worth mentioning that this mod is in active development. I've personally been testing the V0.1 parts along with the front mounted X carriage without any issues. zruncho3d has been providing feedback on the design of the BoxZero mod and will be testing shortly.

Included in this mod are:

  • Front mounted belt tensioners - These can be used to allow for additional tension adjustment in combination with the stock motor tensioners of the V0.1 or in conjuction with the rest of the items available in this mod for a full stealth look.
  • Optional front mounted X rail - The use of the motor mounts included in this repo are required to maintain the full 120mm of Y travel. A custom designed, adustable Y endstop mount is included in the folder containing the X carriage.
  • Toolless motor caps - I can't be the only one that's dropped something into the motors, right?


I've included the BOM for each individual component in their respective folders. There are a number of parts that are reused from a stock V0.1 build and the rest should be lying around as extras if you bought a kit. The only


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