About This File
This is a hybrid of two excellent hinge mods that I very haphazardly slicer-spliced together. I have zero CAD skill, all credit for the design of the originals goes to their respective owners.
I'm just a lazy dude that wanted a little bit of each of these hinge designs for my V0, and I couldn't find it online. So I took these two great ideas and frankenstein'd them together in superslicer to make this ugly abomination that I find quite useful and painfully easy to assemble. It's Alexander T. Moss's brilliant clamping hinge idea combined with this amazing removable doors mod by ElPoPo. I literally just swapped the hinge attachment points of either part and merged them in my slicer before re-exporting. I did the same to the hinge mounts, but with the slot-in tabs for a 1515 extrusion.
The only reason I even bothered to post this is for the odd chance that someone is less motivated than myself and also looking for something similar. Alas, this is now the path of least resistence.
I recommend using double-sided VHB tape on the smaller back half of the clamps to get a more reliable grip on your panel. If you don't add that, you'll spend more time fussing with it to stay put than you will care to, I learned this from personal experience.
The "click and print" files are pre-arranged build plates of the parts you need.
The v0 version has all 6 parts layed out so they can fit on a 120mm v0 build plate.
The V2.4/Trident version has the minimum 12 parts layed out and pre-mirrored for a left and right door on a larger printer. They should all fit on a 180mm buildplate
if you want to DIY-print these parts the hard way:
you will need 2x V0 door mounts and hinge assemblies for the V0
you will need 4x door hinge mounts for the 2020 extrusion. If you use ElPoPo's original 2020 door mounts (which I have included here purely for convenience) then these spliced clamp hinges will also work on the trident or V2.4, the front part of the hinge will need to be mirrored to mount the doors on the left side of a larger printer. you'll need at least 2x hinges for each door.