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CW1 for TAP v. 1.1.0

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About This File


I wanted to use Tap instead of Klicky/euclid probe on my V2.4 but i only had CW1 with Stealthburner so i set about seeing if it was possible to modify CW1 to fit TAP as CW1 motor mount fixes from the rear which TAP can't do.

I managed to find a solution so now this CW1 mod fixes from the front instead of the rear.

The left side mounting screw now fixes the CW1 Extruder Motor Plate from the front with an M3x8 SHCS screw going through to the heatset in the Tap Upper as in Pic1, the same as designed for CW2.

The right side screw now goes through the font of the CW1 Extruder Body with an M3x30 SHCH screw going through to the heatset in the Tap Upper as in Pic2, again the same as designed for CW2

Once the two parts of CW1 are mounted to the TAP then the Printhead Rear/Front can be mounted on the Tap as per Tap instructions for CW2 printhead mounting, the CW1 Extruder Body has access cut outs in the front for alen keys to be able to tighten those little screws that hold the printhead in place, the rest of the build is as per TAP SB fitting instructions.

I have had this mod on my V2.4 with SB and CW1 for a couple of months now and it works great....



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