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PurgeBucket 350 Klicky v. 2021.09.01

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About This File

Purge bucket (Klicky) Mod.

  • @edwardyeeks: Decontaminator Purge Bucket & Nozzle Scrubber
  • Basically his design is already perfect, there is nothing really to improve on it. I just made a small Cut-Out for the Klicky (which you can do tbh yourself with a side cutter xD)
  • Default voron settings, correct orientation, no supports needed!
  • The bucket itself is v2.4 350 only compatible. I don't know and can't test the dimensions of a 300/250... But it's a dumb cutout anyway only.
Description (Only for Blurolls-Kit Owners)
  • The Blurolls kit includes M4 Knurling-Nuts, that are a bit smaller and shorter as BOM (DIN466) ones. The difference is: BOM-> height: 9,5mm / OD=16mm Blurolls->height: 8mm / OD=12-14mm
  • So for exactly this reason, this repo includes a modified Brush-Holder.

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