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Sturdy Handles v. 2021.05.08

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About This File

Voron v2.4 Sturdy Handles

I wanted handles for the v2.4 that were a bit more sturdy than I've been able to find and that didn't act as a clip for the panels. That's what I have the clips for :). This is a modified v2.2 handle that has 4 anchor points. It will not work on the bottom extrusions if you're using skirts, but should anywhere that has access to 2 adjacent sides of an extrusion. It has 6mm of clearance on the side that will go over the panel slightly.

Parts Required

Part Quantity Comment
M5 X 12 SHCS 2
M5 T-Nut 2


  • Print using standard Voron part settings and in the orientation used in the STL
  • Supports should not be needed, but the overhang is

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