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V0 Clippable Ledmounts v. 2021.05.08

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About This File

V0 clippable Caselight LED Mounts

This LED strip mount is sutable for led strips with a width of 8 - 12 mm, but was made for these 24V COB Led strips.

Since they come in segments of 62.5 mm, the strip mounts are 125mm long to fit two of those segments. When using different leds, the slicer scaling function can be used to shorten them. The clips should still work.

Attach the LEDs

The mentioned led strips come with an M3 adhesive pre-applied, which should be the case for most LED strips commonly found online. This adhesive should be sufficient for attaching LEDs to this mount.

How to print them

The clips were made to print upright, but will probably require a brim for bed adhesion.

print orientation


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