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LCD Case Mod v. 2020.09.29

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About This File


LCD Case Mod

I have made some changes/improvements to the Mini12864 LCD case as follows:

  1. I found the hot melt inserts to be difficult to align straight, on both the rear and front case due to the geometry and space constraints. I have therefore removed them and resized the holes accordingly. For the case rear, I have added M3 threads to the 4 fixing holes, these should print fine with standard Voron printing settings.
  2. I have added a lip around the screen cutout to better hide the PCB board behind it. This is simply for aesthetic reasons.
  3. I have added an E-stop button cover, taking inspiration from both the previous Voron LCD cover as well as the Prusa i3 design. This allows for both easier prodding of the E-stop button as well as improving the aesthetic of the case (in my opinion).

Standard vs. modded design comparison

Please see below the changes between the standard/stock LCD case in the first image, and my modded design in the second.



Installed Case Mod

Installed and working well 🙂



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