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Chain Anchor ADXL345 Mount v. 2021.07.28

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About This File

Chain Anchor - ADXL345 mount Mod

Chain Anchor

Recently I started exploring the input shaper feature of klipper. Unfortunately I had to realize that it is not so easy to attach the ADXL345 in such a way that useful measurements can be collected. Therefore, I have created this mod, some drawings are of course still WIP but I think I have reached a stage where it is useful to get feedback.


I downloaded the CAD files of the Afterburner hotend and searched for a suitable place to put the ADXL345 adapter board. I found the Chain Anchor on the backside, which offered exactly the right amount of space for my purpose.

Chain Anchor

I printed the part on my printer using eSUN ABS Black/PeekGreen like all the other parts, but this one was unfortunately a little bit overextruded. After adding the threaded inserts, I sanded the plateau with some P180 sandpaper that I placed on a flat surface to ensure the best possible contact surface for the adapter board.

Chain Anchor

After adding the ADXL345 it should look something like this:

Chain Anchor

Chain Anchor

After that you can use this part as a replacement for the standard chain anchor.

Chain Anchor


# Part
/ Afterburner: Chain-Anchor Parts
4 M3 standard Voron Threaded-Insert
2 M3x6 Screw
1 ADXL345 - Triple Axis Accelerometer Breakout board

Klipper config

#  G Sensor definition
cs_pin: PIN_CS
spi_software_sclk_pin: PIN_SCLK
spi_software_mosi_pin: PIN_MOSI
spi_software_miso_pin: PIN_MISO
axes_map: x,z,-y

Example data




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