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Next Build?

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I feel the need - again!

I think I need another printer - I have a 2.4 and a 0.1, but I love building these things, so I am looking for my next project. Do I keep it in the Voron way and go for a Trident,or do I try something different? So Ladies & Gents of this fine establishment - your thoughts please.

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3 hours ago, TitusADuxass said:

n the Voron way

The question should not be what next printer should I build, but it should be: have I modded my existing printers so well that I am satisfied with them? 
Look at @mvdveer he has 10 printers and is continuously upgrading them to his satisfaction. This also makes him an expert on many niche topics 😄

If you think you are very well with building a voron, try out for example improving your V-zero, (v0.1 is very outdated by the way) into an improved version. Like say a V-zero with a twist or a v-zero in a box

If you think all those models are too old, and you want the latest reincarnation of the zero, try this one.. According to a warning I got on the forum, beware that these all are advanced builders stuff and challenging. Indeed thats true, there is no manual and you have to know stuff that is already written down in the voron manuals for 'normal' people.

If you think that is too much and you love your v-0.1 with the bed-leveling screws too much and do not want to touch it... But would want to improve / mod your Voron 2.4, which you actually already started doing by buying a Phaetus Rapido, give @Penatr8tor's latest 2.4 improvements a read: I would definitely recommend the CNC parts for a smoother and shinier and more beautiful machine! 

If you think that's not enough to spend on, consider the vzbot AWD kit from Mellow, which @Penatr8toralso built... As I see it, the VZBot AWD mellow kit costs just about 2000 euros to get to my door. So an interesting toy to buy.

But let's be honest, a VZBot is nothing but a Trident with AWD on 48v and a very expensive toolhead, but then not as well engineered as the Voron...

So if you want to try a real different challenge, and a completely different printer with a different concept and *real* speed, without costing you the 2000 euros from Mellow or the 3000$ from Annex, give these guys a try: Crossant. You would think they do not know how to spell French words, you would be surprised how many words in French they already have borrowed from it in their language, unknowingly.

So let us know which one of these attracts you the most 🙂

Edited by Dirk
some dutch-english translations
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Well, Trident is kind of a no brainer, right? 😜

If it were me, I'd look at Printers For Ants for something different, like the Hex-Zero or Micron, etc. That Crossant looks interesting for something very different. Maybe one of the Rat Rig kits or VzBot.

I was looking at the Rook project for a fun, simple, cheap build...then Hector at Fabreeko threw a nice discount at a live stream so the V0 jumped the line--and my daughter skipped the easy project and dived right in with a full-on Voron build.

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Of all the printers I've built 2 stand out as my GOTO printers for serious prints...

The VzBoT 330 is #1 and my Voron 2.4 300 is #2 and soon enough my refurbished 2.4 might take the number one spot.

For a large format printer... The VzBoT can print some really nice small stuff.







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10 hours ago, TitusADuxass said:

I feel the need - again!

I think I need another printer - I have a 2.4 and a 0.1, but I love building these things, so I am looking for my next project. Do I keep it in the Voron way and go for a Trident,or do I try something different? So Ladies & Gents of this fine establishment - your thoughts please.

I am not an expert by any means but...

My initial aim was to build each printer in the Voron range. Nearly achieved that goal - still need to consider a Voron Legacy.

Having build many printers now - VZBot, V2.4,(x2) Trident (x2), Switchwire, Micron, Vo, Trizero, boxer and Ratrig V-minion, some thoughts:

VZBot is a beast - I converted it from a TronxysA5, then converted to AWD and now converting to CNC. Running with a Rapid UHF toolhead - not that expensive. So if money is not the object, get the Mellow Kit - the VZBot will not dissapoint.

From the Voron range, in my opinion - the Trident's prints better quality parts than the V2's. It took time to build one but @claudermilk finally convinced me (just like he will be finally convinced to go Canbus 😁), and I am glad he did. (Was going to build one none the less as my goal stated)  Both were kits from Formbot. 

Printers for ants: My first Vo is still my go to for small parts - just works. The micron is a mini V2 (120mm like the V0 or 180mm which I build) and prints well. The Trizeroo and Boxzero are belted V0's - not much advantage for except automatic bed levelling, but as Nero says, you level the bed on the V0 and basically forget about it. On the list to build is a Salad Fork. Were the Micron is a mini V2, the SaladFork is a mini Trident. 

Bedslingers: Don't like the switch wire - probably because I decided to enclose it and the enclosure is flimsy. Also the printer least used. The V-Minion on the other hand - just love it. It is not enclosed and my PLA go to for smaller prints. An advantage is the RatRig operating system. This is one I decided to build after @Penatr8tor posted his build log. 

You are spoiled for choice and I probably did not make it any easier. My recommendations in order if money is not the object:

1. VZBOT - Mellow All CNC Kit

2. Voron Trident 300mm build - LDO  Kit

3. Saladfork. 160mm

4. V0.2

Happy building.

BTW - You can mod the hell out of any of them!


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Thank you all for your responses. I certainly have some reading to do.

@Dirk I want to keep my v0.1 relatively unmolested as it is mainly for use in my camper. I may incorporate some of the v0.2 upgrades. It's already got CanBUS, Rapido HF, and @atrushing the Mini Stealth Burner with MicroProbe. I believe I have a Kirigami bed somewhere in my stash. I think having second large format printer will be an advantage when printing modified items out. There's nothing worse than printing out an update on my workhorse v2.4, stripping the workhorse down, incorporating the new part and then finding out that it doesn't do want I expected.

@Penatr8tor those are impressive results for small items on a big printer. The VzBot is slowly climbing up my list.

@mvdveer Saladfork is being considered, as is the Micron. Trident is also on the list but for some reason doesn't make me moist. VzBot is in pole position but I'll probably self-source, the kits nearly always have major components that are not on my wish list. 

Whichever route I go I feel it is now the time to dip my toes into the PI world, all my other builds have used BTT mainboards with CB1s (and their are bring out a CB2...so maybe it's not quite PI time.)

I am in the extremely fortunate position of being well paid and single (tried married life for 35 years) so I can afford the toys - I only have to look after myself and 2 moggies.

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3 hours ago, TitusADuxass said:

but I'll probably self-source, t

If it was not for the postage costs, that would be my preferred way as well. However getting stuff to Australia is super expensive.

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I think it's going to be a Vz-Bot VZ330, with the following wish-list:

Metal CNC parts (VZ BOT CNC 330 KIT 1 ( No Bed & Xrail ) – F3D-Racing (f3d-racing-fdm.myshopify.com) I like to keep it local).

Probably a Kraken Board


Rapido UHF 2.0

The rest is TBD. 

I'm already looking at Ca. 700 just for the frame, mainboard and CNC parts - that's why I like self-sourcing, you can spread the cost (I am due my good employee bonus and my profit sharing payment next month - so....).


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28 minutes ago, TitusADuxass said:

Yes, that's planned.

I'm also mulling over the extruder - I've always had direct drive, but I'm considering a bowden set-up. The toolhead weight reduction has to be looked at.

With 48V and AWD toolhead weight isn't as much of an issue as it is with standard CoreXY. The VzBoT extruder is a beast and very lightweight. In addition, the hotend can handle anything you throw at it. A bone stock VzBoT AWD built from the Mellow kit will easily print at 1000mm/s if you bolt it to the wall so no real need for a bowden setup.

I mean if this is too slow then by all means... go for a bowden setup. 😄


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Super8Pro is prob the best 3printer board on the market short of a Duet3 6HC in build quality/horsepower imo.  Mellow basically has no QC though so if something is wrong with it dont expect them to catch it. They just ship ship ship 🙂 and sadly rotten ones do get sent out. Next up in the same MCU class would be the BTT Kraken. 

And both the Super8Pro and the Kraken can run RRF or Klipper no issues. Getting Wifi on the Kraken is bit more work than the Super8Pro. But most you guys don't care to run RRF anyway. But every time I see the Mellow VZBot kit it screams Flagship DYI RRF printer here. If Only Mellow or some influence pedler on the internet would go there. 


Edited by Nurgelrot
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Im building a Jubilee 4 tool changer right now. I've had all the parts for a few months now but I'm going to really get after it the next few weeks. Also redoing my Micron 120 with G2Z motors so I have a bit more electronics room. And I' making a new Micron 180. just to have a small enclosed printer that is a bit bigger than the V0 or OG Micron.



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On 4/14/2024 at 3:08 AM, TitusADuxass said:

@Penatr8tor What's your opinion on the supplied mainboard (Fly Superpro)¿

I have had no issues with the Super 8 Pro. It was easy to setup and has been running fine. If I were to build another VzBoT... I wouldn't change to another mainboard.

My advice is, use the Super 8 Pro. 😎👍

I also wouldn't try CAN bus either. Since there's no LEDs on the tool head... the bundle of wires coming from the toolhead isn't so thick and bulky that it matters a whole lot. Stick with what's been proven to work in the beginning then expand or upgrade if you need to in the future.

Edited by Penatr8tor
Forgot something...
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10 hours ago, Nurgelrot said:

And both the Super8Pro and the Kraken can run RRF or Klipper no issues. Getting Wifi on the Kraken is bit more work than the Super8Pro. But most you guys don't care to run RRF anyway. But every time I see the Mellow VZBot kit it screams Flagship DYI RRF printer here. If Only Mellow or some influence pedler on the internet would go there. 

Steve Builds just rebuilt his Voron 0 and installed a Duet running RRF. RRF is getting very Klipper like.


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@Nurgelrot @Penatr8tor

When I first started on my v2.4 build I had a Duet 6HC & 3HC setup, but it caused me more frustration than I anticipated.

Most of it was probably down to my inexperience, the v2.4 was my first build project.

Now with the knowledge that I've gained from the build and the configuration of klipper, I might consider trying RRF again.

But I'm looking at the kit once again and think it might be the route to go down. 

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My advice to anyone building a VzBot is to get the Mellow kit and build it per the instructions.

All of the kit components were very high quality and everything went together without fitment issues.

Like every build... you'll need to tweak things a little but overall... The VzBot is by far my best performer, delivering superior quality at fast print speeds.

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1 hour ago, Penatr8tor said:

Steve Builds just rebuilt his Voron 0 and installed a Duet running RRF. RRF is getting very Klipper like.

Id argue the other way around. that most of klippers big inovations RRF had first. Even a very basic idea of input shaping. I wont argure that klipper didn't impliment them better 🙂 and push beyond to really use them at least in an easier to access way. RRF has always sort of felt like the academic version of 3dprinting firmware to me while Klipper is a rubber hits the road kind of experience.

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I’m personally building a number of voron 2.4s using old ender parts (235 in a 250 frame). I personally find this is the size I most commonly turn to and the ender beds are always warped so this gives the best ability to level the gantry to the likely uneven bed.  To each their own.  You’ve gotten some cool advice. 

I'm doing 1 that’s all ender-3 parts(including screen and board), one that’s kind of a premium build (spider mobo, dual color and  touchscreen) and one that’s going to be monolith gantry with 5160s on the x/y and spider on the other axes.  

The options are endless.  

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15 hours ago, Penatr8tor said:


My advice to anyone building a VzBot is to get the Mellow kit and build it per the instructions.

All of the kit components were very high quality and everything went together without fitment issues.

Like every build... you'll need to tweak things a little but overall... The VzBot is by far my best performer, delivering superior quality at fast print speeds.

I'm going to heed your advice. 

I'm trying to delay the purchase of the kit - but I've got the breaking strain of a wet teabag when it comes to new toys.

I normally save my build projects until winter.

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