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Milo V1.5 CNC Bench Mill - Water Cooled - Casa Enclosure


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Milo V1.5 CNC Bench Mill



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Not a 3D printer but still going to be an interesting build 😎 The idea is to eventually make parts to replace the printed parts on the mill and for the Trident and V2.

This is going to be a slow build, I'm self-sourcing the parts and will assemble them as parts are purchased and arrive. Years ago I purchased some parts to build a CNC machine but never completed the build. The frame and spindle were the last items to be purchased and built. Since then electronics for CNC have come a long way specifically the stepper drivers and motherboards. I already have the Nema 23 stepper motor but are larger than the suggested spec for the build. I'll be testing them with the Mellow 32bit FLY-CDY V3 Wifi Control Board when it arrives.



These are the steppers I'll be testing:


I have these Hiwin HGR 15 linear rails which I can cut to length, the blocks don't match the printed parts, but I can either modify the printed parts or order new blocks. The blocks alone will cost the same as purchasing a complete set of rails. The advantage of using Hiwin rails is the pre-load. Appreciate the lesson on the basic use of Fusion 360 that @Penatr8tor was kind enough to give me on Zoom.



Parts ordered:

  • Mellow Fly-CDY-V3
  • Complete Fastener Kit
  • 2 x 4010 24V. Fans


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Have a birthday coming up in May - could not help myself - bought an early birthday present. But no stock in Oz until end of April - so not an early birthday present - pre-ordered, LDO shipping to suppliers end of March, expected in Oz 2-4 weeks later. Thus @PFarm - Lead the way, I will follow with GREAT interest

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@mvdveer Awesome birthday present! You will more likely finish yours before me. I'll end up following your build! Let's make some chips!!!! (no salt 😉) When you get the kit I'd like to get a rough sketch of the side supports for the spindle from you if you wouldn't mind.

Nero3D Milo V1.5 Build

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On 3/17/2024 at 8:33 AM, PFarm said:

I'd like to get a rough sketch of the side supports for the spindle from you if you would mind.

Don't mind at all - happy to oblige

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The Mellow FLY CDY V3 board came in today.



Got it flashed and connect to my network


Web interface comes up. Next I'll connect some microswitches in the end stops and see if the board will run these bigger steppers I already have.


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Just a note: the Electronics manual has you enable your wifi via "Putty", USB cable and command lines. In the online config tool there's a section to input your wifi network info. Much easier to set up and it connects right away to your network. All the files you need to setup this board are in the Config Example folder.


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Got three end-stop switches wired up, had to cut the diag pin on the BTT TMC2209 to disable the sensorless homing, and connected all three Act Motor 23hs2430b steppers (425oz dual shaft) , they work fine with these 2209 drivers👍


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A USA site recommended in Discord, .25" powered coated wrinkle black. I ordered more parts on Ali today, 550mm leadscrew, 8mm collars, T8 leadscrew brass nuts, GT2 - 40T pulley, F608ZZ bearings, 5V relay for the spindle, CNC 0-10V Signal to Voltage converter board (replaced with LDO Milo expansion board) for the spindle and tool sensor. I had the GT2-20 pulley, the 608 bearings, the 300mm leadscrew, the power supply, end stop micro switches and the emergency stop switch.

They've updated the RRF Config it now generates an Access Point which makes it easier to configure your Network connection plus added some additional systems files. RRF Update. Still waiting for the Millennium OS release.




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13 hours ago, PFarm said:

@claudermilk BattleBots love watching that show!

The people behind the teams are really cool. I've had the opportunity to meet several, and see the bots in person (I've touched Tantrum's nut..wait that sounds bad...). One of the projects I want to use the printer for is to build some Antweight bots. I bought a couple kits from Bunny last OCMF, I just need to get to printing & building; the idea was to have the kids do as much as possible.

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Wow, small indeed. I always root for those teams, love the bots and their vibe.

To get a bit back on track, being able to mill some parts for the smaller bots is my excuse for wanting to build a Milo. I initially looked at MPCNC, but have come to the realization it's not really what I would need--Milo is they type of mill needed for those tasks. Also perhaps milling some Voron parts, or RC parts, etc.

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Millennium OS was released yesterday Link Here. Both the OS and RRF software were easy to install with good instructional documentation. The OS once installed boots up with a Configuration Wizard but since movement is required I'm going to run it once the machine is assembled and capable of moving. I've ordered all of the 4080 C channels, I'll need to cut the 2x320mm and the  1x120mm from the 1000mm 4080 C channel. Next parts I'll order will be the Z and X/Y plates so I can begin partial assembly.


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