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Voron 2.4 Printed Parts List

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A Special thanks to user @WessPless for taking the time to update and share the latest version of the Printed parts list here.

- Added parts for Clockwork2-StealthBurner and Printheads ( Revo_voron and Rapido ) 


|I have found it incredibly useful to have a sheet to track my printed parts with the corresponding STL's In order to make this process easier for others I am sharing my list. I have a "zip-loc" bag for each folder in the official zip STLs folder, as I print them I update my checklist and add the printed part to the correct bag.



If you update the sheet to work better for you please share it with the community!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for spreadsheet it is very useful. I did some upgrades and modifications to it, like:

  • Added the time for each part
  • Calculates the percentage of parts done
  • Filters parts that are not required
  • etc.

Here is my link as part of my contribution: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yZFG2PqSAoau1MLeRmjPUxRpEbvRkAG7Z9OIQGERJ4c/edit?usp=sharing



Edited by Dajo
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On 10/11/2021 at 8:50 PM, Dajo said:

Thanks for spreadsheet it is very useful. I did some upgrades and modifications to it, like:


This is awesome! Very well done!  Do you mind if I copy this and its changes to the first post, and create a new "blank variant for sharing publicly?

Additionally, what is the difference between the light green and dark green sections?


If you are willing to continue upgrading this sheet I have a few ideas?

  1. Create a "Configurator" of sorts, that will filter the sheet for a users needs.
    1. Specify Main Board
    2. Specify Hot End
    3. Full Cosmetics vs Minimum
    4. Bowden/vs Direct Drive
    5. Maybe a selectable option for extra common mods? Klicky, AB-BN, etc..
  2. How are you calculating estimated print times? What print speeds are you using?

Again fantastic job, i like to see how this continues to evolve!

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@Demosth Sure you can post it, I am more than glad to be able to contribute with my grain of sand.

Haha, about the "configurator", is kind of what I started to do.  This is my first Voron and I am half way printing, so I am coming across the different options and discovering stuff as I go. I'm giving it a try as Google sheets is not as powerful as MS Excel IMHO, but it is universal and free. The different shades are just a mistake, didn't click the right shade apparently (already corrected).

The times posted are what PrusaSlicer calculates. I sliced part by part and took note of the values. I am using a Prusa i3 MK3s with the Esun ABS standard profile.  I'm attaching a 3mf as reference for the settings, but basically 

  • Perimeters: 60 mm/s
  • Infill: 200mm/s

Anyways, those times will vary from user to user and it should be taken as a quantitative value to have an idea the time involved.

I'll work a little bit more on the "Configurator" and post a preliminary version soon to get more feedback and if anybody wants to help is more than welcome.



Edited by Dajo
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Ok, now I need beta testers!!! 

Now, I present version Beta1.0 : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14h31CJCfsHXrihGnZP2sQx9cHSinnrgR0qgrI9hjEkc/edit?usp=sharing

Haven't tried all the options yet, but the ones I tested worked fine. I'm not posting here any instructions as I want to check how user friendly it is. Although in the first tab, there are some instructions.

Once I get your feedback I can elaborate more on how it works and how can anyone add more options.

Edited by Dajo
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  • 1 month later...

I just stumbled across this. It looks great! I'm going to build a Trident, not a V2.4, but I'm totally stealing this and tweaking it for the Trident BOM. The nice thing is most mods are still valid. The options and checklist pages work fine as far as I can see. 

I'm not sure if the Klicky or ABBN pages are supposed to do anything yet, and ABBN shows Klicky titles & links. I'm also guessing the mods haven't gotten past just the list on the options page.

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I posted over in the V1/Trident forum with my tweaked version of Dajo's sheet.

One thing I ran into when updating was the conditional formatting color scale looked like it freaked out when all the Quantity/Done checkboxes were cleared. I found that it was the Min/Max value becoming all 0 with none of them were set, and none had all the checkboxes set to true. My solution was to add another hidden row just below the last item with the max number of checkboxes, all set to true and included in the formatting range. Poof! all the rest now have a good 0-100% range to calculate off of. Also, row 10 was missed in the main conditional formatting range (and the zipchains on 185-193).

Some of the summary calculations start at row 11. Lastly the summary calculations are a bit odd in choosing what to force to static and what to allow to update; in my Trident update I set row 10 and all columns to force to static and allowed the bottom row to dynamically change when rows are added/deleted within the range. 

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On 10/17/2021 at 1:06 AM, Dajo said:

Ok, now I need beta testers!!! 

Now, I present version Beta1.0 : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14h31CJCfsHXrihGnZP2sQx9cHSinnrgR0qgrI9hjEkc/edit?usp=sharing

Haven't tried all the options yet, but the ones I tested worked fine. I'm not posting here any instructions as I want to check how user friendly it is. Although in the first tab, there are some instructions.

Once I get your feedback I can elaborate more on how it works and how can anyone add more options.

Love it! 

But no automatic plater configuration? I think you have more work to do 😉

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 10/13/2021 at 7:40 PM, Dajo said:

@Demosth Sure you can post it, I am more than glad to be able to contribute with my grain of sand.

Haha, about the "configurator", is kind of what I started to do.  This is my first Voron and I am half way printing, so I am coming across the different options and discovering stuff as I go. I'm giving it a try as Google sheets is not as powerful as MS Excel IMHO, but it is universal and free. The different shades are just a mistake, didn't click the right shade apparently (already corrected).

The times posted are what PrusaSlicer calculates. I sliced part by part and took note of the values. I am using a Prusa i3 MK3s with the Esun ABS standard profile.  I'm attaching a 3mf as reference for the settings, but basically 

  • Perimeters: 60 mm/s
  • Infill: 200mm/s

Anyways, those times will vary from user to user and it should be taken as a quantitative value to have an idea the time involved.

I'll work a little bit more on the "Configurator" and post a preliminary version soon to get more feedback and if anybody wants to help is more than welcome.

Voron2.4_ABS_Profile.3mf 1.02 MB · 17 downloads

Just gotta say thank you for sharing your slicer settings!!! They have been working great so far with Hatchbox and Overture ABS, and the music is just simply awesome, didn't even know that was in the start and end gcode till after I had started a print. Thanks again. 

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  • 1 month later...
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  • 3 weeks later...

I was part way through printing parts for a r1 build (December 2021 voron 2.4) when r2 came out. I decided I wanted to update to r2 even though it meant replacing some of the already printed r1 parts. The changes from r1 to r2 are improvements in strength, etc.  The only thing you will find due to the mechanical parts you received if you decide to do the r2, you will have two 9mm linear rails that you don't need because those were replaced with a single 12mm rail that you will have to buy. You will also have a few extra and a few shortages for hardware like threaded inserts, t-nuts, and machine screws. I had ordered the screw kits from AliExpress, but they were for the earlier voron, so I have been kitting out the hardware and adding the missing parts there.

I hope your recovery goes well.

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  • 2 months later...

Love to see a R2 version of this (if there are changes to names of parts or additions), is there still been progress on this list, because its pretty awesome... 

Starting to print today for my second 2.4 R2 build, love to use this list to keep track. Also looking for build placing advise, but just started there...

Thanks for everyone putting work into this, I think its cool!

Edited by Buurman
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On 10/12/2021 at 2:50 AM, Dajo said:

Thanks for spreadsheet it is very useful. I did some upgrades and modifications to it, like:

  • Added the time for each part
  • Calculates the percentage of parts done
  • Filters parts that are not required
  • etc.

Here is my link as part of my contribution: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1yZFG2PqSAoau1MLeRmjPUxRpEbvRkAG7Z9OIQGERJ4c/edit?usp=sharing



To update the colors on the checklist, after changing them on the options tab, how do they update?
And is there an easy way of cleaning all checked boxes for a new build? 

Absolutely love things like this, appreciate the effort putted into this, hope I can help in any way!


EDIT: Inoticed this part isnt in the R2 build anymore:


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On 5/26/2022 at 12:54 AM, Buurman said:

To update the colors on the checklist, after changing them on the options tab, how do they update?
And is there an easy way of cleaning all checked boxes for a new build? 

Absolutely love things like this, appreciate the effort putted into this, hope I can help in any way!

EDIT: Inoticed this part isnt in the R2 build anymore:


To update the colors use the button in the toolbar "fill color" (see pic) in the top right corner for this button there is a pencil to edit the colors. When you change them here they immediately change in the sheet.

The easiest way of cleaning all the checked boxes is to click a box hold Ctrl and press A to select everything, press spacebar once to check everything not already checked, press it again to clear them all.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi everybody, 


I am just starting to print the parts for my upcoming LD) kit V2.4 R2 build, this list seems very useful to track the myriad of prints ahead of me.

Does anybody know if there is a R2 list out as well? 



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I just renamed and added (and removed) some parts that changed, I followed the 350 R2 build, hope its also correct for other sizes.
I just think on size the skirts part changes, and that stayed the same.


It goes without saying all honor to @Dajo who made this list, I really hope he finds it in his heart and his time to correctly update it to R2.
This list helped me a lot, it surely could help others.

Would love to see the Stealthburner option in there.

Edited by Buurman
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