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  1. Non Printable Files

    Logo's and other files that don't fit in the Printable "UserMods" or Manual Section of the site.

  2. Printable Voron User Mods

    Voron User Mods, or "UserMods", are a collection of community created and Team FDM curated modification for Voron Printers. All of these mods are available on the VoronUsers Github repo and unless otherwise specified follow the Voron communities GPL3.0 Licensing. Use any Mods at your own risk, if you make modification please share them on the VoronUsers repo.

    Mod Authors: Have a Voron mod? Upload it at TeamFDM.com and let us know you're the author. We will ensure you can update and curate your files for more feedback! Please include tags for what Voron, or extruder your mod is compatible with. 

  3. 14
  4. Creative Collection

    Have a non-printer related file you would like to share? Submit that here! Files submitted in this category will also automatically create a Forum Post for discussion on the Creative Collection forum section. 


    1. It should be something of a personal nature, toys, unique tools, novelty items, fun stuff or art. No printer mods and such, there is already a place for that.
    2. It should be something you successfully printed
    3. Please Include the STL file and print instructions if applicable. CAD files if you feel its relevant.
    4. Write a little something about the story behind it and include pictures or other media to make the page lively

    Unless otherwise specified follow the team communities GPL3.0 Licensing.


  5. Tools and Calibration

    A fact of life with any 3D printer is ensuring the highest accuracy of your prints. These tools help you print better and confirm that you are getting the quality you need!

  6. Official Voron Releases

    This Category is for Official Voron Releases. TeamFDM recommends you download directly from GitHub for the official and most up to date versions, however these files are being added to let less technical users download and to keep long term historical version for easy downloading.

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