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Maurici, the Mallorcan expat in UK that fights the Shi**y weather with 3d printers


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So... I did my postum build diary yesterday... but I was told that Ideally I should introduce myself here.

This is Maurici, a Mallorcan expat that happens to live in the UK designing stuff for high end cars. I´m also a 3d printing nerd. 4 years ago, my better half made the mistake of buying me an Ender 3pro for christmas and the rest is history as they say.

I do currently run an small side bussines replicating difficult to find stuff for cars with two ender based (that no enders anymore) polycarbonate printing beasts 220x220 and 400x400, one running klipper and the other one running duet, both with a 400 celsius capable hot end and a 120 capable bed with external electronics.

Been following the voron comunity forever, but as I was commited with my slingers, and they would do everything I needed at a pretty decent top speed of 120mms, never biten the bullet till last month that decieded I didn´t need a Zero but I wanted one. so... find the build tread here. 


Also... I´m gessing that as I talk that much about my slingers, I should put them on here too... at least an sneaky peak of them. I know the space and the furniture around it is far from tidy, but is build to purpose... cheap and really functional... and far from the "makerspaces" you see around... but still, is a really decent and functional setup.




and of course... the new toy, the zero.


Nice to be around here!!... and have a nice day!

Oh, sorry if I kick once or twice the oxford dictionary... I don´t mean to disrespect, but as you can imagine, English is not my mother tongue.


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Welcome, again 🤣 Always good to find out what people are using their machines for, and brilliant to hear when it is something practical/purposeful rather than plastic tat and nik-naks. (It always gives me a chance to say to family and friends "Look, you can do something useful with them!")

We've definitley got quite a few petrol heads on the forum (as evidenced in posts like up-coming projects, ignoring the half-witt and his corolla 😉 ).

29 minutes ago, Maurici said:

Oh, sorry if I kick once or twice the oxford dictionary... I don´t mean to disrespect, but as you can imagine, English is not my mother tongue.

No need to apologise. As a barbaric monoglot (who has to otherwise resort to google translate) I  always have utter respect for the multi-linguists among us.

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Welcome to the forum! Who cares what it looks like, so long as it does the job for you, right?

Woo! Another gearhead to the group! 😁 (Remember, @smirk, for the longest time as I recall Jalopnik declared the ultimate car was a brown Volvo station wagon {estate), so you're not too far off).

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Agree. Station wagon are THE dailies to have. Period.




But is better with shy of 500 horses and decent modern ly interior to be your daily.











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I complained at the dealer salesman when we bought our Fusion. I told him if Ford would only have brought the Mondeo wagon over, that's what we would have bought. Sadly in the US you have to go to luxury brands to get the option any more. Otherwise it's the hateful SUVs that everyone is buying & infesting our roads with. 🤢

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