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Please help problem with end of print voron2.4


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Hey all,

I finished my printer a few weeks ago and just been fine tuning since.  I have the afterburner printhead, Euclid probe, nozzle cleaner and auto_Z functions.  My problem is everytime I finish a print that is taller than 30mm the print gets smashed by the print head. So when the print finishes the print head moves to 30mm above the bed surface then moves to home X,Y,Z.  I cannot find the command causing this so I can change it.  On print completion,  I just need the print head to move up a little then home all regardless of the height of the print head. PLEASE HELP!

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1 hour ago, toxicfilament said:

Hey all,

I finished my printer a few weeks ago and just been fine tuning since.  I have the afterburner printhead, Euclid probe, nozzle cleaner and auto_Z functions.  My problem is everytime I finish a print that is taller than 30mm the print gets smashed by the print head. So when the print finishes the print head moves to 30mm above the bed surface then moves to home X,Y,Z.  I cannot find the command causing this so I can change it.  On print completion,  I just need the print head to move up a little then home all regardless of the height of the print head. PLEASE HELP!

What do you have as the "END_PRINT" code in your slicer or macro that is called to end the print. It seems the printer is given a command to move itself to position Z30 rather than move away from the bed. As a start I will comment out any reference to Z in the end print code in your slicer or the macro that is called. Safer to move in a X or Y direction at the end of a print to move the nozzle away.

You DO NOT want to home Z after a print so if there is a G28 command in the end code, it will destroy your print


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3 minutes ago, toxicfilament said:

I finally figured it out.  The issue was I needed to add G90 to change to relative position that fixed it but thanks for the reply!!

Glad you got it sorted

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