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Klipperscreen freezing


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hello, after launching the tera screen, the screen freezes and does not respond when pressed, but at the same time the temperature of the nozzle and the plate reads them and changes them correctly. with raspberry pi 3 version is 11 (bullseye) with ribbon cable is scratched 7 inch screen.can someone help to solve the problem with the screen as well as the rpi camera v3 setting, because now I'm experiencing stiffness with it too

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3 hours ago, Delluks1234 said:

hello, after launching the tera screen, the screen freezes and does not respond when pressed, but at the same time the temperature of the nozzle and the plate reads them and changes them correctly. with raspberry pi 3 version is 11 (bullseye) with ribbon cable is scratched 7 inch screen.can someone help to solve the problem with the screen as well as the rpi camera v3 setting, because now I'm experiencing stiffness with it too

Maybe this thread will help - some links in there to troubleshoot. Had the same problem then.

But try this first:

On the pi :-

Sudo nano /boot/config.txt

changed this: dtoverlay=vc4-kms-v3d

to this: dtoverlay=vc4-fkms-v3d


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