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Persisting Z-Height Calibration Issue




I was wondering if someone could spare a thought or two on an ongoing Z-Height Calibration Issue that I'm experiencing on my V2.4?

The Issue I'm having is that most of the time I have to stop a Print and restart it because of the Printer fucking around with the Z-Offset resulting in the first Layer to either be too high and the Filament not receiving enough squish to the point where it's essentially printing in thin air ( Reenactment of the Bed observing the Nozzle  ) or too low where it drags the Nozzle across the Build Plate - luckily not too much of an issue since the System is equipped with a Chaoticlab CNC Voron Tap V2 resulting in there being enough Compliance for neither the Nozzle or the Bed to get Damaged.

Additional Information:

  • As mentioned, the System uses the Chaoticlab CNC Voron Tap V2
  • It uses both KAMP Adaptive Bed Mesh Levelling and Adaptive Purge
  • It uses a HeatSoak Macro
  • The Print Start Routine includes both a cold Nozzle G28 prior to the HeatSoak followed by a hot Nozzle ( 150°C ) Nozzle Scrub, QGL, BMC & G28Z

The Two-Part Print Start Macro ( removed the Annotations ):

Once the Heat Soak Gods have been pleased the Macro continues:


At this point the ERCF will load Filament to the Tool Head with a miniature Purge, the Nozzle gets cleaned a second time ( now at Print Temperature ), and KAMP will perform the Voron Logo Adaptive Purge followed by the actual Print.

A Probe Accuracy Check:

The thing that drives me nuts the most is that the Issue gets pretty much always fixed by stopping the Print, immediately restarting it ( with me cleaning the Bed while the Printer goes through the entire Precheck again )

I don't think this being caused by a Hardware related issue as the entire Gantry was just recently rebuilt including a new CNC Tap with the Issue persisting through the Rebuild so perhaps a suboptimal Config Setting? 🤨 Other than this one issue the Printer is pretty much Perfect.

Any thoughts? 🤔

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