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First Voron Build and stuck on: Klipper reports: ERROR Unknown pin chip name 'Probe'



I have finiahed the physical build of my first Voron (2.4) but am stuck with making Klipper happy.

HW: BTT m8p + CB1, sb2209 (rp4020), chaoticlabs TAP

I am attaching my config files.  If I weren't already bald I would be tearing my hair out.

I would certainly appreciate any advice or guidance.



generic-bigtreetech-manta-m8p-v1_0-voron2.cfg printer.cfg sample-bigtreetech-ebb-sb-rp2040-canbus-v1.0.cfg

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Hi David, Welcome to the forum.

Could you give us a bit more information on what exactly you are struggling with.

"Making klipper happy" is quite a broad statement.

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1 hour ago, SulairDH said:

Klipper fails to start with the error: ERROR Unknown pin chip name 'Probe'

What is your configuration for the probe. Are you using the standard Omron induction probe, a cartographer/beacon probe, Voron Tap, Klicky ?


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No matter the spaces, which indeed might fix the current problem, (perfect find @PFarm) maintaining such a printer.cfg, will get you into much more trouble.

Be warned.

Do like we all did, follow the path. And you might learn a thing or two about your printer.

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