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Must Have Voron 2.4 Upgrades

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Have you got your new Voron 2.4 up and running and ready to continue tweaking and making this great printer even better? Below is a list of my "Must Have" Voron 2.4 upgrades.

The "HartK" PCB Toolhead
This "PCB" toolhead helps cleanup the installation of your Afterburner assembly and makes swapping hot-ends a breeze. This board was designed to make wiring the toolhead a bit easier, to help get rid of some of the crimps needs on these wires. While you can find the "Gerber" files and have your own PCB printed, this is such a popular mod that many Discord users and companies are selling fully built versions, or the parts to build them.



Don't Forget an update Toolhead cover to support the extra size.
https://github.com/craxoor/VoronMods/tree/master/PCB Cover 

Here is a list of known links to order the populated HARTK PCB tool-heads.

  1. https://www.fabreeko.com/products/voron-afterburner-toolhead-pcb-by-hartk - US - $22.00
  2. https://www.onetwo3d.co.uk/product/voron-afterburner-tool-head-pcb/ - UK - £12.95
  3. https://kb-3d.com/store/electronics/285-hartk-afterburner-toolhead-pcb-v32-complete.html - US - $16.99

You will also need to make sure you have the 14 Pin Microfit 3.0 for the main connector back to the MCU found here... "Male Molex MicroFit 3 Connector


Voron Nozzle Scrubber
The Decontaminator Purge Bucket & Nozzle Scrubber, allows a V2.4 to purge/clean the nozzle automatically, increasing the quality of the first layer and allowing for fully unattended starts to your prints. The documentation on the Github page is very thorough and does a great job explaining the process to install and use the Voron Purge Bucket and Nozzle Scrubber


Needed Parts


Extra Swing 270 Degree Door Hinge

The default Door hinges work just fine, but sometime when working on your printer the doors can just get in the way. The 270° Hinge - Parametric door hinges by ChrisGonzales was developed out of an effort of running into tolerance issues with the spec hinges not allowing much room if the two panel doors are used and are slightly cut larger by only 1 mm or so. He ran into issues closing and the doors hitting and needed something that allowed more horizontal movement.

VoronUsers V2.4 270 Hinge Mod, fully open

This is another well documented VoronUsers mod and everything for installation can be found in the GitHub Repo ReadMe.




If you have another Must have mod, please let me know my responding to this topic and I will update the first post to reflect any other MUST haves!


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  • Demosth changed the title to Must Have Voron 2.4 Upgrades
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  • 2 months later...

yup add klicky and now CANBUS !!! For me If I had to re-do my build I won't go with all those cables and chain ... Too much problem if the cable are not the good quality.... I have 2 cable broken in the chain. Not easy to trouble shoot at the begining when you don't think that the problem can be the wiring.


Edited by rickdnamps
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  • 4 months later...



I converted the Voron CAD model to Alibre Design's file format.  Over time, as I upgraded a d modded it I added the parts to the CAD assembly model.

Some of the parts are my own design, like the filament runout sensor & remixed side entry exhaust, the Pi TFT43 v2.0 screen mount, the Stealthburner PCB cover and modded stealthburner (tried to blend the SB better with the CW1).   The magnetic panel clips are remixed from the stock Voron clips.

The X handles are from printables, and the rollback skids are remixes from RockinLOL's design.


Here's the model, rendered up with Keyshot 12.




The rollback skids are great.  They make getting into the electronics bay so much easier.



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Not really a must have,  but I spent a few hours remixing the skirts on my 300mm 2.4,  and made some matching fan grills and belt covers.




They came out pretty decent, in dual color iron red and matte black.






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17 minutes ago, Buurman said:

I like the 2 tone covers a lot for the Z motors, can you share?

Sure.  I have all of my stuff uploaded at printables.

The z covers are one-piece.  I got the 2 tone look by swapping filament at the layer just above the hex mesh.   But, I uploaded .stp files on printables too, so you can make any changes you need.



And here are the skirts.  The skirts have the bottom panel retainer recess and heat insert pocket inverted, so it can be mounted backwards.  That way, it can be printed without supports, and it recesses the honeycomb, like all the other skirts.



And fan grills


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This post was recognized by Buurman!

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21 minutes ago, Buurman said:

oh yeah, thats fine!

uhm.... well too bad for the skirts, only making 350 versions 😉 but I REALLY like what you done with them.


It's only really two pieces I'd need to work on since I can create the B  skirts by mirroring the A side.  I'll have some time tomorrow, so I'll do up the 250 and 350mm versions.



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5 hours ago, Buurman said:

oh yeah, thats fine!

uhm.... well too bad for the skirts, only making 350 versions 😉 but I REALLY like what you done with them.


I uploaded the 250mm and 350mm versions of the skirts in seperate folders in the Printables link above.  All 3 sizes are available now.

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