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z_tilt Help


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Hi All,

Can anyone explain how to correctly configure the z-tilt?

It's hard for me to understand the Kliper document. https://www.klipper3d.org/Config_Reference.html

I even got more confuse watching the instructions from GoldenJaguar3D on YouTube.

It seems like I don't fully understand z_positions and points.

I am trying to setup z_tilt for an Ender 3 S1 Pro.

I tried adding the code below to my printer.cfg and I'm getting an error "z_tilt z_positions needs exactly 1 items".

z_positions: 235, 149.5
             44, 149.5
points: 235, 149.5
        44, 149.5
speed: 200
horizontal_move_z: 5
retries: 20
retry_tolerance: .0025

My understanding of the first line of the z_positions is X=235, Y=149.5 is to get my probe to the middle furthest right of my heat bed.

The number underneath that, X=44, Y=149.5 is to get back to close position of home middle of my heat bed.

I am pretty sure that is wrong.

By the way, I am a noob in 3D printing.

I have been searching the internet for days on the topic z_tilt but no luck.

That's why I'm asking for help.

I would appreciate anyone input on this. 




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It is all in the formatting. Once you have your points the format should look like this:

z_positions:                   ## This is at the beginning of the line, no indents, no tabs

         235, 149.5            ## This is a tab spaced from the beginning of the line or indented to the position of z_positions:
         44, 149.5.             ## This is a tab spaced from the beginning of the line or indented to the position of z_positions: 

        235, 149.5.           ## This is a tab spaced from the beginning of the line or indented to the position of z_positions:
        44, 149.5.             ## This is a tab spaced from the beginning of the line or indented to the position of z_positions:
speed: 200
horizontal_move_z: 5
retries: 20
retry_tolerance: .0025


The above example indicate you have two Z-Steppers and these are the probing points. Hope this helps



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Hi @khairi

Your z_position is the point of your two Z-Motors that control the pivot - this is where your bed is going to pivot, or correct itself when running Z_TILT_ADJUST.

The points are different values to the above - this is where you want to probe the bed in order to get it level. They are NOT the same values as the z-Position.


0,235        235,235
  |         Z0
  |         |
  |         |
  |         Z1
0,0.         235,0

(Assuming the bed size is 235x235)

Z0 is at 230,230

Z1 is at 230,25

  |      230,230
  |         |
  |         |
  |      230,25

These are your z-position.

Your probing points will be something like:






  |  1   2  | 
  |         |
  |         |
  |         |
  |  4    3 |


Your Z-Position should also be same as how you set up your Z-Motors. Z0 is the first, Z1 the second.

Hope this makes more sense

This is an example of an Ender 3 config, I found to help:




     377, 176





speed: 200

horizontal_move_z: 5

retries: 6




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5 hours ago, mvdveer said:


Thanks for your help again, mvdveer.

I really appreciate you taking your time helping me out but it seems like I'm hopeless.

I'm guessing the pivot point mention on the document is talking about is my Y belt underneath my hot bed is the middle point?

I don't know which stepper motor is z0 and z1.

The more I read on z_tilt the more I get confuse and start guessing the X and Y position.

I tried and failed again.

I might just try to print and hope that the gantry isn't out of alignment.

I am still trying to decipher the Klipper document on z_postition and point.

Not that much information about a Creality Ender 3 s1 or the pro version on the z_tilt command.

At this point I don't need to understand what the document says but I have been trying to search for a printer.cfg file for an Ender 2 S1 pro that already has the position points.





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4 minutes ago, khairi said:
6 hours ago, mvdveer said:


The more I read on z_tilt the more I get confuse and start guessing the X and Y position

Can you post your printer.cfg file and I'll have a look at it.

Could you also upload a picture of your printer please.

Z-Tilt is only in printers that has more than one Z Motor like the Voron 2.4, trident, etc. In my Voron 0 I don't have Z-Tilt

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1 hour ago, khairi said:

or a printer.cfg file for an Ender 2 S1 pro that already has the position points


https://klipper.discourse.group/t/ender-2-pro-configs/2337 which leads to:

https://github.com/spuder/klipper-ender2pro which has the following printer.cfg file


From what I can see, you probably do not need Z-Tilt as this config only has one Z-Motor.

You can delete that part of the configuration or comment it out with a # before each line. If you have a probe on the printer, You will use BED_MESH_CALIBRATE, SCREWS_TILT_CALCULATE or BED_SCREWS_ADJUST instead of Z_TILT


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Hi mvdveer,

I have attached my printer.cfg file and some pictures of my printer.

I tried looking through those 3 config files but when I manually move my X and Y coordinate where the screw to adjust the bed is way off.

Either that or I don't really know what I am doing.

But if you don't think that I need z_tilt then I will move on with input shaper.







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Thank you for doing that. Had a look at the printer.cfg file and photos of the printer. Had a read on the specs of the Ender3pro(v1). 

My observations:

You only have one stepper motor defined in your printer.cfg file:


The ender 3pro has two z-stepper motors but seems they are are both controlled by only one stepper driver as you have the original Creality board:


Z-Tilt WILL NOT work with this board, as you need two independent drivers for this to function. Each Z-Motor has to be connected to its own motor for the function to activate - that is why Klipper is complaining with an error.

6 hours ago, khairi said:

But if you don't think that I need z_tilt then I will move on with input shaper.

You do not need z-tilt.

Let me know how you go and if there is anything else I can help with

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8 minutes ago, khairi said:

Thank you for your help again.

Any time - that is what this forum is all about - helping and directing where we can. Please feel free to ask if you run into any problems at all. Feel free to ask - someone will always answer and try and help. Good luck with the printer and getting it tuned to perfection. It will be worth it all in the end.

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  • 1 year later...

A little late to this and first time to this site. Was led here by a Google search of a related issue. Seeing the help and dedicated devotion of time and effort by @mvdveer I'm blown away. Super rad to see this thread and because of this I'm becoming a member. We need more folks like @mvdveer in the 3D printing community. As a noob to this wonderful world, it can be quite a daunting endeavor and over whelming to say the least. Let alone the amount of frustration that comes along with trying to figure out and understand it all. So seeing an interaction of this magnitude has been uplifting. @khairi I hope everything has worked out and @mvdveer stay awesome you non-cape wearing SOB.

  • Voron FTW! 2
  • Thanks 1
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