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An Interesting 3D Printed Lathe Design (MIT License)

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The fact that he was able to machine the threads in steel is very impressive. You could see the chatter in the surface finish but i wonder how much a tailstock could have helped with rigidity. Also, he wants to make the base of the headstock wider which should help. He mentions filling it with concrete instead of sand which should help as well.

The software and controls he implemented look very nice too.

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@atrushing Yes, that was impressive I also saw that chatter in the threads but like you said additional mods can make this a very nice benchtop lathe, It's nice that he posted the step files I'll have to modify some of them #1 not easy getting metric rectangular stock in Canada. 11kg of filament wow! I never printed PTEG so I'll need to tune my printers and Orca for it. It should be a fun project but a long one like the Milo buy parts as spare $$ is available. As a bonus, I already have the HGR15 rails and one Nema 23 motor. I think I may start with the controller.

Edited by PFarm
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