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Bigtreetech Scylla V1 firmware installation.


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Hi all and please to be part of the group.

I'm hoping there maybe someone who van help me make a start on installing the firmware on my board which will be running a cnc mill please.

I love new technology but struggle finding supporting literature that makes for straight forward instruction.

If theirs anyone who can get me started be very much appreciated.



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@Stevo Welcome to the forum! Read through my Scylla Upgrade post if you have any questions I'll be glad to help. Scylla Upgrade. I'd also suggest joining the Millennium Machine Discord page there's a BTT Scylla V1 section specific to this motherboard with some great support by Jake England and Nine Miles. Is your Mill a Milo V1.5? If not some system file modifications may be required I can help you with what I know about the software but Nine Miles is the expert of this software.

The instructions to install the software are here, make sure you download the files for the Scylla links in my Scylla Upgrade post.

Edited by PFarm
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2 hours ago, PFarm said:

Read through my Scylla Upgrade post

Was searching for that but did not show in the search engine. Thanks for pointing us in the right direction.

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Hi all thanks for letting me into your group knowledge seems very sparse for the Scylla at the moment.

I am upgrading from a duet board to the Scylla on a home brew CNC machine I need to know how to use the fourth A driver as an additional driver for the y axis as I have twin motors running this. Will post some pics later 

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Hi all so here's my build its all off the top of my head and it wasn't without head aches but enjoyed every minute crossing obstacles etc.

Its running a duet board with 4 separate drives I built this 10 odd years ago so looking to use the scylla to drag into the present.

couple of questions do i need the millennium version of firmware for my build any benefits or just stick with non millennium ?

Im assuming the Scylla is a motion controller too i have used a uccnc 100 plugged into a duet

Thank you print farm i spotted your enquiry on the MM discord group very much appreciated buddy







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This post was recognized by mvdveer!

PFarm was awarded the badge 'Great Support' and 10 points.

Very nice CNC setup! I've asked Nine Miles on Discord about using the A drive and what files need to be changed but he has no experience using two Y drives. He recommended contacting Team Gloomy which maintains RRF "jay_s_uk" would be the contact on this Discord server https://discord.gg/6B4P7n8q. If you can get an answer I'd be willing to look at your existing system files you're using for the duet board and see if we can figure it out.

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9 minutes ago, PFarm said:

Very nice CNC setup! I've asked Nine Miles on Discord about using the A drive and what files need to be changed but he has no experience using two Y drives. He recommended contacting Team Gloomy which maintains RRF "jay_s_uk" would be the contact on this Discord server https://discord.gg/6B4P7n8q. If you can get an answer I'd be willing to look at your existing system files you're using for the duet board and see if we can figure it out.

Thats very kind of you you i am correct in assuming the Scylla is a motion controller too ?  

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3 minutes ago, Stevo said:

Thats very kind of you you i am correct in assuming the Scylla is a motion controller too ?  

Yes that correct it's a motion controller as well.

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4 minutes ago, PFarm said:

Yes that correct it's a motion controller as well.

Thank you for a minute i thought i had made a mistake to start with. I flashed the board last night with the Millennium prebuilt firmware but obviously my machine has its own requirements is that a good place to start or should i have used the non Millenium version for ease ?


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9 minutes ago, Stevo said:

Thank you for a minute i thought i had made a mistake to start with. I flashed the board last night with the Millennium prebuilt firmware but obviously my machine has its own requirements is that a good place to start or should i have used the non Millenium version for ease ?

I never used the non-Millenium version I'm not sure which would be easier to set up. There be some file modification if you use the pre-built firmware.

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Looking at your setup you're using the external stepper so you'll need to wire them to the external driver connectors unless you want to use the onboard 2160 drivers you could eliminate the external drivers.



Also looks like you're using ball screws? If you're using 0802 ball screws you need to put these settings in drive.g
; Set steps per mm for 0802 ball screws.
M92 X1611.28 Y1611.28 Z1611.28

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2 hours ago, PFarm said:

Looking at your setup you're using the external stepper so you'll need to wire them to the external driver connectors unless you want to use the onboard 2160 drivers you could eliminate the external drivers.



Also looks like you're using ball screws? If you're using 0802 ball screws you need to put these settings in drive.g
; Set steps per mm for 0802 ball screws.
M92 X1611.28 Y1611.28 Z1611.28

Would like to use onboard drivers and do away with the stand alone ones.

Will have a look a bit later at what ball screws and motors I have used and report back.

I never wired in my VFD either just ran it as an on / off and used the dial on the VFD to control the speed so would be nice to run that off the Scylla but little steps

Many thanks 

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42 minutes ago, Stevo said:

Would like to use onboard drivers and do away with the stand alone ones.

Will have a look a bit later at what ball screws and motors I have used and report back.

I never wired in my VFD either just ran it as an on / off and used the dial on the VFD to control the speed so would be nice to run that off the Scylla but little steps

Many thanks 

I can help you with the VFD looks like the same as mine.

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Here is the wiring for the Scylla to VFD.


Is the power to the VFD through a contactor? If not I'd suggest getting one like this one 24V coil but it doesn't have to be 63A - minimum 20A or higher. We'll need to require the e-stop as well. Too bad you're across the pond I would have loved to help you in person.


Also a 24V. coil SSR to turn on your water pump when the VFD is activate (buy a good quality Omron, not a Chinese one)


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Yes it would have been nice to have shared the build with you in person however we can still head scratch long distance 😅

I am going to list the items used in the original build ie ballscrew, stepper motors etc.

I have ordered a Meanwell 24V 450 Watt power supply I am looking / buying  for the two items you mentioned above and will then post the list 

Thanks Steve.

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Spindle motor 3 phase 2.2KW water cooler ER20 with matching VFD  Spindle Wiring Diagram.pdf

RM2005-C7 Ballscrew 20mm Diameter shaft with pitch of 5mm.   2 off   (steps per mm?)

RM1605-C7  Ballscrew  16mm Diameter shaft with pitch of 5mm.   1 off   (steps per mm?)

Z axis need to double check if its a 12mm or 15mm ballscrew.                    

4 x Nema 23 4Nm Stepper Motors Stepper motors 60BYGH401-03.pdf

1 x 480Watt PSU 48Volts ( This will affect the items bought above will it not ? I thought this to be originally 24Volts so apologies ) This can be carried forward onto this build.

The other one I have bought Meanwell 24Volt can be returned. 

Whist reacquainting myself with the electronics I noticed the machine is not running on a duet as I originally remembered its running on a breakout board with a UC CNC  motion controller! so apologies.

I have never run the machine with a homing feature the end stops were wired in such a way if one of the six were tripped it would halt the machines movements.






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1 hour ago, Stevo said:

I have never run the machine with a homing feature the end stops were wired in such a way if one of the six were tripped it would halt the machines movements.

We'll need to wire those properly since the firware needs all axis homed before they can be moved.

What the make and model of the VFD?

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