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Diving into the deep end unprepared, so don't look to me for ideas

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I live in India and got into computers back when a 32-bit 386 processor was aspirational unobtainium. Last year I was a little bored and burnt out and feeling insecure that I knew next to nothing about 3D printing or electronics or have much in the way of handyman skills, so I ordered parts for a Voron 2.4 350mm and dove in. It's now been six months of joy and frustration, somewhat on par with discovering the importance of parental leave when you have your first child because there's no way you're getting any real work done while also being a responsible caregiver.

How many more ways can there be to break a perfectly tuned machine just because I can't resist tinkering with it? Now my 11 year old mocks me because the Ender 3 I got for her is more reliable than my big machine.

So anyway, that's my midlife crisis. I hope yours was/will be as gratifying as mine.

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