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My first Build - Voron 2.4 R2 RevD


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So I wanted a bigger 3D printer. SO I read about the Voron 2.4 build it your self printer. Looking at the well prepared Instruction manual, seems doable for me so I got the LDO 2.4 R2 RevD full kit. So far, other than a bad SLR12H linear bearing/rail everything seems pretty good so far. I have build it up to installing AB Idlers, now waiting for the replacement SLR12H. While waiting, I am printing all the parts needed for the build.


Voron 2.4 Build.jpg

Voron 2.4 Build 2.jpg

Voron 2.4 Build 3.jpg

Voron 2.4 Build 5.jpg

Edited by NewGradRN
Just read moderator posting requirement so I remove comment about may be asking for help in the future.
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1 hour ago, NewGradRN said:

Just read moderator posting requirement so I remove comment about may be asking for help in the future

Welcome to the forum - your post has been marked for all to see as will all future posts. Unfortunately due to a high level of spam, this is a necessary step in order to make the experience on the forum a good one for all.

Please ask away - plenty of people her to help, that's why we exist.

Also if you are willing, can you do a brief intrioduction in the Introduction session.



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Love your colour scheme. But then I am biased. My first 2.4 is a red and yellow colour scheme. I can just see this is going to be an awesome build.


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Got a little bit of progress in my Voron. Replacement part came in Thursday. I opted to build the Nevermore V6 and install it first so I don't have to mess with the bed later on. Got the gantry hanging and trying to figure out how to square it.



Edited by NewGradRN
Drop pictures in wrong place.
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Build update.

Installed the gantry and the installed the Z and AB belts. Fixed the gantry racking pre and post belting following "NERO's" video on solving gantry racking. 1 thing I found that helped me make tightening of the belt easier was to place a bracket on each side of the X-carriage (see picture) to stop it from moving while I was pulling on the belts. Putting together the stealthburner is next. I would like to ask for opinion about getting a Voron Tap vice installing the Klicky that came with the kit. Being novice about Voron particularly in software programming after this is built, which way do you advice I go. Thanks.






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Nicely done awesome build!

Personally, I would upgrade to Beacon instead of Tap, which is much quicker and more accurate. Setting up Klipper for the first time can be tricky but we can help you with that.

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1 hour ago, NewGradRN said:

I would like to ask for opinion about getting a Voron Tap vice installing the Klicky that came with the kit.

Of the two - the Voron Tap will be the better option. But if you are going to spend the money, then as @PFarm suggest - get a Beacon and set it up for Beacon Contact. Much quicker QGL and Bed Mesh scanning then either TAP or Klicky. But, you realise you will then need to either get the CNC Beacon mount or re-print the X-Carriage to suit there beacon Probe. 

Clever idea on installing the belts - thinking outside the box!

Looking good so far.

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Seems the Beacon is getting good compliments. How difficult is it to use beacon compared to Voron Tap. I looked at the beacon store and they have revH available. I think I'll just go for it. Oh just one question, it says on their beacon documentation that it is not recommended for printer with large magnetic bed. Do you experience any operational problem related to magnetic bed? 

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1 hour ago, NewGradRN said:

Seems the Beacon is getting good compliments. How difficult is it to use beacon compared to Voron Tap. I looked at the beacon store and they have revH available. I think I'll just go for it. Oh just one question, it says on their beacon documentation that it is not recommended for printer with large magnetic bed. Do you experience any operational problem related to magnetic bed? 

I went from Tap to Beacon via Cartographer.

The Beacon is relatively easy to set-up, it does require a bit of fine tuning to get the Z height nailed down. At first I had major issues getting it to work but that was down to me having the Beacon far away from the bed.

You should have no problems unless your bed has magnets set into it.

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4 hours ago, NewGradRN said:

Do you experience any operational problem related to magnetic bed? 

That warning is more for the beds with built in magnets like the Mandala Rose  Works beds, like this one: (But they are around USD300-400, not cheap)

Beacon WON't work reliably on these unless you set exclusion zones for probing at the magnet positions. Too much of a hassle.


The aluminium beds with the sheet magnet applied is ok, does not interfere with Beacon. (I have the Rev H on 5 printers, and Rev D on two other printers, all with the magnetic sheet beds. Have not had a problem at all with it)

The Rev H is the latest from them and has a built in accelerometer for resonance testing. 

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I went from Klicky to Tap and between the two definitely Tap. I haven't used Beacon so can't comment on that though it is well liked around here. Personally Tap is working well for me and I like that the probe is on the actual surface and is not depended upon magnetic reaction; that was part of why I ditched the original inductive senser for Klicky, then Tap.

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It really is addictive but no problem, I am already an addict in building and designing stuff ha ha. Replaced the original Voron X-Carriage with the Annex-Engineering X-Carriage for the Beacon. I didn't want to mess again with belt tensioning so I came up with frame belt holding bracket to keep the belts in place while I remove and replace the x-carriage. Someone might have already came up with this but this is what they look like (see pictures). One for each side of the carriage.


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1 minute ago, NewGradRN said:

so I came up with frame belt holding bracket to keep the belts in place

I like your innovation. A true "builder". Good progress. Funny how once you start, you just want to keep going

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12 minutes ago, NewGradRN said:

It really is addictive but no problem, I am already an addict in building and designing stuff ha ha. 

You'll fit in here well! Our type of guy 👍 As mvdveer mentioned, I love your innovation!

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