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I use a Neptune 4 Pro and CURA slicer

Anyone experienced that know what these "extra string" what are called, so I can google for a solution?

Or even better, if anyone knows how to not get them.



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Is this problem only on this particular model or does it happen no matter what you print?

FWIW... It looks like you have unsupported areas where the extruder is extruding with nothing under it. When the nozzle moves to an area where there is plastic from a previous layer underneath, it chops off the excess filament creating the weird curls.

Anyways... that's my guess and I'm a pretty good guesser. 😆

Try adding automatic supports in Cura.

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I agree. It looks like a support issue. When you load your model into CURA set it to the “prepare” view. Scan the model, and any areas that need support will show up in red. You can use the information to determine where supports may be needed. You can also experiment with rotating the part to try and minimize the amount of support needed.

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Take a look at your gcode-file with a gcode-viewer, e.g. repetier host or similar. Can you see the "extra" strings there? Are they printed in an area where nothing is underneath? If yes it comes from the model or the slicer.

If you dont see the strings in the slicer, then the printer produces them.

BTW: For me it looks like you are printing in the air...


Edited by Repman
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Thanks very much for your expertice, Penat8tor, SuperBobby, mvdveer and Repman!

I've been afk a few days. But when I looked into it closer, these "tuffs" are somehow connected to the supports, not on model.

When I look in Cura and filter by sort of tipe, eveything looks good to a noob like me.

I printed another thing: perfect print

Is it possible that, that file was for a resin-printer, and didn't translate good enough into Cura and a gcode? 

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Supports for resin printers are different, because the part hangs upside down from the build plate instead of right side up. So something that would need support in an FDM printer may not need any support at all in a resin printer. Conversely, the same thing.

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