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Please help me out !!! or point me to solution


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Can some please help? Finished building the ERCF V2 for my ender 3 clone (Aquila) which is running on a raspberry pi 3B with Klipper on it .
The ERCF came with a BTT MM 1.1 which I flashed with klipper so I see it as usb-Klipper_stm32g0b1xx_3F0039001950425539383920-if00
All is done as best I can get..but Fluid doesn't connect with it Will be eternally thankful,



mcu 'mmu': Unable to connect
the above is my ender clone mcu..working well
I do see..maybe a clue ..that in the usb-Klipper_stm32g0b1xx_3F0039001950425539383920-if00
there is no mentioning of a port where my printer usb-1a86_USB_Serial-if00-port0 has port0 ..
Did I forgot something at flashing the BTT MBB ?????





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Yes , thank you voor trying to help, this is in raspberry pi ..




printer mcu  and mmu  mcu (in printer.cfg) :

serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-1a86_USB_Serial-if00-port0
restart_method: command
[mcu mmu]
serial: /dev/serial/by-id/dev/serial/by-id//dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_stm32g0b1xx_3F0039001950425539383920-if00


I noticed that in sample-bigtreetech-mmb-canbus.cfg  which I had to ad in printer.cfg it says:


[mcu MMB]     MMB instead of mmu ?
serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_stm32g0b1xx_3F0039001950425539383920-if00
Also in there I get the error
Section 'ez_driver1' is not a valid config section
Much I don't understand ..wish there was a walkthrough for this , I know some Voron owner must have had the same .
Not having a Can bus then and so having 2 mcu in one pi
Also I read people talking of having put a ercf.py  file in the Klippy extra   folder , i don't have that,nor can find any ercf.py
Tommorow I'll be back at it, hope to hear from you , today was a bit busy day..i'll spare you the details 😉
See ya and great to have someone to help me👍



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3 hours ago, rokapet said:

Welcome to the forum!

Could you post a screenshot of the mcu visible when listing, as well as the relevant section of the mcu config in the printer config?

sorry it took long for you to read my reply....I posted it right after I read yours .. but it seems to need to be aproved before posting??!!

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3 hours ago, Scorpioo42 said:

[mcu mmu]
serial: /dev/serial/by-id/dev/serial/by-id//dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_stm32g0b1xx_3F0039001950425539383920-if00

I do not own an ERCF or any MMU, so I can not comment on putting ercf.py to anywhere, but the config section of yours above has the path of the file tripled. It should be:

[mcu mmu]
serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_stm32g0b1xx_3F0039001950425539383920-if00
"Also in there I get the error
Section 'ez_driver1' is not a valid config section"

This means you have a section with this name in your printer.cfg (or in another config file linked into printer.cfg), and this is an unknown keyword to Klipper. Not sure if it is ERCF related.

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9 minutes ago, Scorpioo42 said:
[mcu MMB]
serial = /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_stm32g0b1xx_3F0039001950425539383920-if00

step_pin = MMB:PB15
dir_pin = MMB:PB14
enable_pin = !MMB:PA8
microsteps = 16
rotation_distance = 40

step_pin = MMB:PD2
dir_pin = MMB:PB13
enable_pin = !MMB:PD1
microsteps = 16
rotation_distance = 40

step_pin = MMB:PD0
dir_pin = MMB:PD3
enable_pin = !MMB:PA15
microsteps = 16
rotation_distance = 40

step_pin = MMB:PB6
dir_pin = MMB:PB7
enable_pin = !MMB:PB5
microsteps = 16
rotation_distance = 40

Apparently this ez_driver sections are the ones Klipper can not understand.

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1 minute ago, Scorpioo42 said:

Not much time today but I think I foremost have to go through all the config file and set it right..step by step ,step by step...we'll get there 😉

Strip down your config to the bare minimum, and add things back chunk by chunk. You will see what works (i.e.: allow Klipper to start and operate), and what causes issues!

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1 thing i don't understand is in my printer.cfg there is


[mcu mmu]

serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_stm32g0b1xx_3F0039001950425539383920-if00

But in rest is refering all to MMB  ??


Is that correct or should al be either mmu (happy hare does that ) or MMB ( as in [ mcu MMB]  instead of [mcu mmu]   ??




# EZ Driver1


step_pin: MMB:PB15

dir_pin: MMB:PB14

enable_pin: !MMB:PA8  # V1.0

#enable_pin: !MMB:PB8  # V1.1

microsteps: 16

rotation_distance: 40

And in MMU.cfg



[board_pins MMB]

# Assumes using an external / extra mcu dedicated to MMB


















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Almost sure it has to be the same everywhere ,  mmu OR mmb as I turned it all back as I got it at first and now I have the error ez-driver1   is not a config section ..but at mcu information i see :   3 mcu now !!!  has to do with the mmu and mmb referals ??!! no??



Luckely raspberry pi can let me easely change this , but i still wonder if its the case for why name a mmu.cfg and then in this cfg name everything MMB

[mcu MMB]    etc etc


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I understand but i have the printer mcu (the so called    mcu informatie (is dutch)

Then comes the mcu MMB  as in all the mmu config files

and the another one mcu mmu   as in my printer.cfg and sample-bigtreetech-mmb-canbus.cfg


That's bothering me , can't be right


Thinking if I solve that , the BTT MMB wil be found and I can move on.

Need to see the 3d printer in that field i've shown above and as I always saw it and will if I grey out all the ERCF files.

AND I have to see 1 ERCF be it the MMB or the mmu


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The add-on mcu names are not hardcoded, you can call them whatever you like, just use the given name when referring to that mcu in your config later on.

Specify the mcu ONCE:

[mcu whatever_name_you_want]

Then use this name when refferring to pins or anything on this specific mcu.

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I just renamed the mmu total directory to" MMB "version as I saw (yes !!)that  there were 2 backup directories of mmu with all referals to mmu in it so I renamed 1 folder to mmu (deleted the date behind it)

restarted and now I only see 2 mcu  but stil not started because of an error which is Section 'ez_driver1' is not a valid config section  again

So back in business again ...

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NOW I can talk to it , test if anything reacts...set the config files as they should etc etc ...a happy man here 😉


Still not there yet ..lot of errors ..reulting in not starting klipper and thus nog being able to test anything but it is a step a big step forward

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