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BTT PiTFT43 v2.1 install help


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Good evening to you all. I am looking to swap a 7” Raspberry Pi  touchscreen to a BTT PiTFT43 v2.1.

The RPi used the ribbon cable and a supply cable whereas the new screen seems to only use a ribbon cable NO separate power supply.

I tried disconnecting the RPi and just plugging in the BTT, but the screen never lit up, it does get warm though over time.

I don’t know if it needs any alternative configuration different to the old screen.

I’ve already got ‘klipperscreen’ installed and working with the RPi screen.

I also noticed after plugging in the BTT screen I got a warning come up on mainsail(see picture)

The Raspberry Pi I’m using is a 4b which is fed by its own power supply (meanwell RS-25, 5v).as Voron spec. Via the gpio pins

Any help would be much appreciated



Edited by quad121
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You probably have checked but is the cable in the correct orientation for the BTT PiTFT43?


If it is upside done, the screen won't work (will stay black) and it may be the cause for the under voltage error

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Many thanks for your reply. Sometimes you should double check things before saying to yourself ‘there’s a problem’ and this is one of those moments. 
By the way you were correct, I was connecting the ribbon the wrong way round! I don’t often do this but my excuse is it must’ve been getting too late for this old man to be working on this!

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