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After software update...nothing works anymore (cartographer)


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Set up is Voron 2.4 with Manta M8P+CB1 + EBB36 CAN board and cartographer.

Everything worked for a couple of months. Last week, twice a print was interrupted with 'MCU connection lost to cartographer' error in MainSail. 

MainSail shows cartrographer 'dirty' so i updated it. 

Nothing works anymore with the failure 'Can'r register 'probe' as it is an invalid name'. Obviously, non of the cfg files was changed before that error appeared.

Going back to the Cartograher website, it clearly says "do not update software". Well, i should have look at that before i did it. Now it's done and nothing works and tried various things already incl. firmware updates.

Rather than bothering other on the issue itself, want would help maybe is a quick description on how to read a issue log file as those are always asked to be shared, therefore the answer should be in there somewhere but i cant seem to see it. 

My config.cfg and klippy logs are attached for reference. 

Thanks so much! (very frustrating these software issues)

klippy (20).log printer.cfg.txt

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What firmware is your cartographer probe?


If it is v5, then your [cartographer] section needs to be renamed to [scanner]. Also important to have this section near the beginning of the printer.cfg file.

See documentation here

Your log file indicated that klipper cannot read the section named [cartographer]. If you have upgraded the cartographer firmware, then the  cartographer script is looking for a section called [scanner]

Hope this helps

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Thanks for the reply. Running the [scanner] change did in fact change something but it is still confusing. Is seems I have a version 4.0.0 but also V1.1.0... now. Trying to reflash the cartographer via katapult gave me a connection error and stopped the reflashing. I dont see what the exact error is from this error message. I guess a full re-installation is needed here? Any thoughts?



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Your probe firmware is on V4.0 and the software on version v1.1 (which is the correct version). These are two seperate indicators : Firmware vs Software

I looks like the katapult boot loader has failed. I would suggest flashing the cartographer probe through dfu mode to get it to v5.0. See the documentation here. It has a link to getting the cartographer probe into DFU Mode. (Use the "pliers" method, unless you are very very comfortable with soldering and desoldering) There is a script that makes flashing a breeze. 

This will allow you to re-flash katapult to the board, and then the latest firmware.

Make sure you have the current version of the cartographer software from GitHub and have the correct firmware file for your probe (v2/v3, USB/CAN, correct bitrate) 

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
cd ~/cartographer-klipper
git pull

You can always FIRST try the script and flash through can bus. 

cd ~/cartographer-klipper/scripts
./firmware.py -f can

if that fails then put the probe in dfu-mode and flash

cd ~/cartographer-klipper/scripts
./firmware.py -f dfu

Let me know how you go

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Thanks again for your detailed explanation. The cartographer cannot be put into DFU mode now is he found using lsusb when connected through USB cable. Seems the cartographer itself has an issue and i ordered a new one which should arrive in a couple of days then i can retry. fingers crossed.


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