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Now For Something Completely Different


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I have a new printer on order and it's not a kit. <gasp> 😲 With the Black Friday sales and a nice coupon I finally took the plunge and have an Elegoo Saturn 4 Ultra plus cleaning bundle on order. So I'm diving in to the resin printing pool so to speak. I have plans on how to set this thing up so it's relatively safe to run and now that the kiddos are older and understand printers I have no worries they will mess with it--especially having had the youngest mostly build the V0. I plan to have it pay for itself and open an etsy store once I get up to speed on running this new beast.

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I've dabbled with resin printing. It's very different from fdm, and I don't just mean the fundamental differences. I never really appreciated the benefits of an industry based in open source development till I dipped my toe into the world of resin which is dominated by closed eco systems.

I've never bothered with support for printer issues in fdm as the community creates solutions and improvements for design issues almost instantly.

With resin your at the mercy of the manufacturer and I can tell you for a fact that is a very frustrating experience.

I have experience with anycubic and elegoo and would never buy another printer from either of them. It's a very competitive market so they release new models every year, which also means all there resources focus on developing the next model and not properly supporting their existing models. I have an elegoo Saturn 3 Ultra and that thing is a dumpster fire. Elegoo never resolved the issues with it. It was their flag ship printer, but in reality it was rushed to market and is a half baked expensive disappointment.

I hope your experience in the resin world is more positive than mine.

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I hope so too. The Saturn 4 seems well regarded, so crossing fingers. A co-worker has a Saturn 3 and has had good experience with it and my brother in law has a resin printer--which model escapes me at the moment--and has also had success with it.

I'm not thrilled that both slicer options essentially require a yearly subscription. Funny, I thought Lychee came about as a response to that policy from Chitubox but now they are just a different flavor of the same model. So that's just a pick your poison situation & I am evaluating the free versions of each. The printer comes with a year license code for Chitubox, so I may just use that up & see where I am next year.

Also, welcome to the forum! For DIY FDM printers this is a great place for help.

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Cool @claudermilk!

I have a first gen Anycubic Photon collecting dust in the garage that I got like 5-6 years ago. Resin printers can print some seriously small stuff really nicely.

You've definitely pushed the limits of FDM with your miniatures... about time to take the plunge.

We have a couple Formlabs at work along with a few FDM's for the larger stuff.


and good luck on your journey dude. Looking forward to seeing some of your prints.


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4 hours ago, Penatr8tor said:

Cool @claudermilk!

I have a first gen Anycubic Photon collecting dust in the garage that I got like 5-6 years ago. Resin printers can print some seriously small stuff really nicely.

You've definitely pushed the limits of FDM with your miniatures... about time to take the plunge.

We have a couple Formlabs at work along with a few FDM's for the larger stuff.


and good luck on your journey dude. Looking forward to seeing some of your prints.

Nice setup!!

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17 hours ago, Juicebx93 said:

I thought there was an open soruce project in early dev in Toronto. For an open soruce resin machine.  I'm biased but I've been bitten by the foss bug and can't unsee certain things anymore. 

You mean this project? https://github.com/TheContrappostoShop/Prometheus-MSLA/tree/main

It looks like an interesting one to fiddle with at some point.

@Penatr8tor, that doesn't look like a garage to me. 😄 Very nice setup. And yes, I've pushed FDM as far as I'm able. I'm happy with the terrain and 28mm vehicles I can get. But my focus is more on 15mm figures now and FDM just can't do that, so resin it is. 

Now that I've done enough research, have a (I think) good plan for handling the hazards, and the kiddos are old enough I feel somewhat confident in taking the plunge now.

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