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Armored Turtle / Box Turtle AMS Filament changer


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Well, I bit the bullet @7milesup. Here is the build diary of the Box Turtle AMS style Filament changer from Armored turtle.

The Preamble:

Decided on a Green and Gold (Actually it is yellow) colour scheme - I am in Australia after all! 

Opened the stl file configurator from the Build manual website, which gathers the stl's you need and packs it in a zip file for downloading. This is one of the things I really like - no sifting through directories of stl's to find what you need to print. Answer a few questions and away you go.

I also like the way the build manual is compiled. (as is my habit, I read through the manual before starting the project).

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Though it is web based, and not in downloadable pdf form, it works. Instructions are clear and most of all, they are accompanied by a 3d-rotatable picture of the step you are at - Love it!  No more twisting of necks to see exactly what needs to be done - just rotate the image. 

In addition to the Box Turtle stl's, you'll need to decide on an extruder sync sensor (Toolhead Buffer).  I chose the Turtleneck buffer system as I have the Belay sensor on the Tradrack and wanted to build something different. The turtleneck has been advanced to the turtleneck 2, but that requires a dedicated PCB (Turtleneck2 MCU). (I may just order that - see how it goes). This can be ordered from Isik's Tech Site, as well as the dedicated ACF board.

image.png.f7841b460a5d8012a304ef907d86159c.png  image.png.00864ef39fe9831bf56926ea32328513.png

In addition to the toolhead buffers, a filament sensor is needed in the toolhead. I choose the integrated one's for the stealth burner from the ERCF project, as all the printers already have these toolhead installed.  The other option is the Armoredturtle Filatector in-line sensor. (So spoiled for choice)

The Build:

1. Box Turtle introduction.


The introduction goes through the print settings, explanation of instructions, assembly queues and links to the stl-generator, GitHub and discord. It also discusses part selection and this is handy when it comes to using the stl-generator.

I would suggest printing the "Calibration Fidget" in order to determine your printer tolerances, especially if you will be using two seperate printers to print the parts. (I generally load the bigger of the printers with the main colour parts and another smaller printer with the accent colour parts). The printers used on this build was the VZBot 330 for the main coloured parts, The Trident 300, for the accents and the V0.2 for the clear, opaque and TPU parts.


Next:  2. Boxturtle Frame

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All parts printed and sorted. All the hardware sourced and delivered: Time to get building:





Must again say that I do like the way the manual is set out. The build of the frame was pretty straightforward. I only had one issue , in that as per the manual there needs to be a heatsert to the left of the opening of the tray. (The heatserts indicated on the front and back wall are for trays that have been printer on smaller beds to add the rails. (page 4 of the manual)  

As I printed the "no hardware option - no need to joint parts - the location indicated for a heatsert, seems to be for a M3 screw rather than a heatsert. Left this heatsert out for the moment.



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Wired a D2HW C201H microswitch and assembled the hub. 

The wiring diagram gives the length of the wire needed. (Left crimping of the JST connector for now. Will do that when everything gets connected to the electronics for wire management.


Had some difficulty removing the supports from the printed corners - these or built-in support BTW, Was fused for about 5mm on one end in all four the corners. Nothing that a hobby knife could not fix.


Some filling with inserting the logo into the trays. And as you will noticed lost a small piece of the puzzle. Have to reprint another but in order to do that, need to reprint all of the logo. (Far right one)

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Next: BoxTurtle Extruders (x4)


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3. BoxTurtle Extruders


More heat inserts. 


Cut the wires to length, soldered to the D2HW C201H and installed into the extruder. These little bearings (MR63ZZ) are tiny and a challenge to my hands.


Tested all connections with a multimeter and progressed to assembling the drive gears. Installed into the housing and ensured an accurate filament path, as well as making sure the microswitches triggered on the filament entering. Tightened the grub screw. (Don't forget the locktite!)


The guilders printed with built in supports which were a challenge to remove. Had to use a small screw driver to lever these out. Parts separated without any problems.


Used some Lithium grease for the idler bearings, assembled the guilder, fitted it to the extruder, set the anti-squish and attached the motor.

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Setting backlash between the motor and the gear gave me food for thought as the gear was not exposed at all. Had to loosen the guilder, set backlash and then again set the "anti-Squish" for each extruder.

Next: Respoolers


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4. Respoolers



Had to sand down the 8mm rods as page 1 of the manual suggests as the MR148 bearings were just a bit too tight.  

Now I must say - hit quite a few snags with this part of the build. The first being page 5 showing how to populate the heatserts in the wheel drives. 


I don't have these parts. Went for a search on the GitHub page - printed 8 of them and away owe go.

The build up to page 14 was pretty straightforward.


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But then I got to the LED's. The manual shows one set of wires, but the wiring diagram indicates two. As the manual is, according to the GitHub page a work in progress, I followed the wiring diagram instead. (Two sets of wires)


Assembly of the Lightbox was pretty straightforward - make sure to solder the wires to the N20 motors according to the lengths of the wiring diagrams.

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Continued merrily along the way and hit another snag on page 29 - Attaching the wheels - The wheels were supposed to screw into the previously attached wheel hubs.


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Except my wheels were press fit onto the shaft. So off goes the wheel hub, press fit on goes the wheels, and lots of spares left!


And that is where the manual ends - Coming soon it says. Guess I am on my own trying to figure out the rest of the build.

Well here we go - will keep you updated.




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On to the CAD file I went. Fired up Fusion360 and loaded the BoxTurtle Cad.

This is what I am left with after the manual has ended:


Fitted the roller halves:


Mounted the extruders in their respective positions

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Fitted the respoolers:


Fitted the corners and feet

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Fitted the Bowden Tubing and tested filament paths


Let's tidy ups this mess and get on with the wiring and connection to the PCB


Don't know if the board comes pre-flashed or not. In my research, have not come across any instructions on flashing the board. Will have to read through the AFC-Klipper Plugin again. The wiring diagram shows a can connection:


Will see what I get once it is connected - hopefully I'll get a UUID. Else, will have to try discord. The board has an STM32H723 MCU, so is flashable.

See yeh later



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10 hours ago, PFarm said:

Does the manual still need some updating? Flash is pretty straightforward.

Yes, there are only instructions up to the respoolers. Nothing on the assembly or on the corner LED's, which I am still trying to figure out. The CAD is not helpful either, as the STLs seemed to have changed. (Not the same as in the CAD file). Will search Discord and see if there is any light to be shone on it.

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4 hours ago, claudermilk said:

Sounds like this is still very much in beta.

Would say this feels similar to a Public Beta. There is also mentioning of an enclosure and a GitHub for it with......... nothing in it, except "Enclosure with optional dryer very soon™. The CAD shows this. 

In order to build the enclosure, You have to print different trays, but the difference is not explained, From what I could gather between the lines, is that it has disecant boxes which I assume would be for a drying agent of sorts.

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Flashing the ACF Lite:

Put the trusty Rig through its paces and successfully flash the ACF Lite Board as per the instructions in the manual. 


Re-installed the board and tidied up the wring.


Next: Installing the AFC Clipper Add on

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Assemble d and fitted the filament cutter (BT-Snappy) from MakerMylo  - this is based on the EREC cutter for ERCF,

IMG_0780.thumb.jpeg.86e2ca174e82365688bc089cd4856f49.jpeg      IMG_0778.thumb.jpeg.32e5e748bd8e76e4ce2a73a554bf2862.jpeg

as well as the Turtleneck Toolhead buffer. (Still need to wire this up). 



Fitted the offcut box for the filament fragments


Currently printing a Galileo toolhead with dual sensors

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