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Thin, Spotty Lines


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As you can see in the pic, the line the printer prints (front left corner) prior to starting on the object is fine.  But when it starts printing the object, its too little resin and spotty, at best.  I suspect I fat fingered a setting or something.   Attached are also pics of my settings for this print. 

Is this an issue with the nozzle? A setting?  Other?

Any recommendations and advice would be greatly appreciated.



Settings 1.png

Settings 2.png

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Well, watching it print, the filament stopped going in.  And when I tried to remove the filament with a heated hot end, it would not come out.  So either the hot end is getting plugged up and the extruder is slipping against the filament since there is nowhere for it to go, or the extruder is bad.  



Edited by BrentW
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2 hours ago, BrentW said:

Well, watching it print, the filament stopped going in.  And when I tried to remove the filament with a heated hot end, it would not come out.  So either the hot end is getting plugged up and the extruder is slipping against the filament since there is nowhere for it to go, or the extruder is bad.  

If you cannot remove the filament with a heated hotted, it means either it is clogged in the hotted, or it has a blob on the tip that cannot pass through the extruder. (This can happen when the nozzle is too low, thus creating a blockage for the extruded filament)

Sounds like you'll have to strip down the hotted to see where the filament is at. You may try to heat the hotted to it's extreme and manually push the filament through, before trying to pull it out.

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FYI, I've been fighting all weekend with a spool of black PLA sort of doing this on the first layer. Slowed the first layer print down, squished more, cleaned the bed, poked a needle in the nozzle. None of them really cleared it up. I finally stopped beating my head against the printer and threw the spool n the dryer. This morning I fired up the printer and tried again. Still slowed down the first layer, but this time it gave a perfect(ish) first layer on the first try. So I blame the filament getting a little damp.

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