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stealthchanger for mini aftersherpa in micron+


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sumoning @mvdveer Master of the mods.

I've done a quick search and I really can't find much... but a bit of help before embarking onto the crusade could be usefull.


I've been out of the scene of moding and fiddling with printers for a while now... busy schedule, the racecar, work and so don't leave much free time.

However, I'm keen to embark in a mini winter project.


I would love to put a second toolhead to the micron+ as I have a full build hot end I could use... primarily for supports interfaces... not fancy stuff, simply better and nicer supports.


I've seen that there is now a fairly common and supported by the voron comunity (not for the mini aftersherpa tho, I'll have to figure out the mounting myself)


I'm struggling to understant (like many other voron projects and mods) how it really works.

Do I wire that hot-end straight to the current mainboard? or do I have to wire a second one? My board is a Octopus that has 4 heaters (and I assume at least the same ammount of dedicated pins for thermistors).

It will be a head without part cooling to keep it simple.

Is then just a matter to wire it, have a second set of umbilical and reverse bowden, apply the setup and find a way to make work my heads to the current changer strategy?

I'm I missing somethign?







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I had a look at this when I built the Trident 300mm. Wanted to do a Tridex but unfortunately ordered the wrong parts, and could not be bothered starting a rebuild.

Examples of dual extruder printers, listed below, all show a seperate toolhead board for each toolhead. However if you run cabling direct to the board, then yes you can use your existing Octopus pro board and any of the non-used heater ports (HE0, HE1, HE2, HE3) and any of the thermistor ports on your existing board. Obviously this extra toolhead would require a X-endstop switch as well.

Examples of Printers using dual toolheads:

Dueling Zero

Double Dragon


Idex Switchwire


This is what the printer.cfg file would look like of both boards use a canbus toolboard:

[mcu head0]
# First board
canbus_uuid: f9224733db5a

step_pin: head0:PB3
dir_pin: !head0:PB4
enable_pin: !head0:PB6
heater_pin: head0:PA6  # "HEAT"
nozzle_diameter: 0.400
filament_diameter: 1.750
sensor_type: EPCOS 100K B57560G104F
sensor_pin: head0:PA0 # "THERMISTOR"
pullup_resistor: 2200 # The board uses a 2.2k ohm pullup to work with a PT1000
min_temp: -200
max_temp: 300
# Note: Enables testing of extruder motion w/o a thermistor connected
min_extrude_temp: 0
microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 22.23                                            # See calibrating rotation_distance on extruders doc
gear_ratio: 50:10                                                   # For Mini Afterburner
control = pid
pid_kp = 22.273
pid_ki = 0.848
pid_kd = 146.165
pressure_advance: 0.0


[mcu head1]
Second board
canbus_uuid: 8c7268cb736d

step_pin: head1:PB3
dir_pin: !head1:PB4
enable_pin: !head1:PB6
heater_pin: head1:PA6  # "HEAT"
nozzle_diameter: 0.400
filament_diameter: 1.750
sensor_type: EPCOS 100K B57560G104F
sensor_pin: head1:PA0 # "THERMISTOR"
pullup_resistor: 2200 # The board uses a 2.2k ohm pullup to work with a PT1000
min_temp: -200
max_temp: 300

# Note: Enables testing of extruder1 motion w/o a thermistor connected
min_extrude_temp: 0

microsteps: 16
rotation_distance: 22.23                                            # See calibrating rotation_distance on extruder1s doc
gear_ratio: 50:10                                                   # For Mini Afterburner

control = pid
pid_kp = 22.273
pid_ki = 0.848
pid_kd = 146.165

pressure_advance: 0.0
##	Default is 0.040, leave stock

If you wire directly to the octopus, then there would be no need for defining extra mcu's, as you would use the mauinboard (Octopus Pro mcu)

As an example see here:

# The primary extruder
step_pin: motor_extruder_step               #Replace with actual pin designation
dir_pin: motor_extruder_dir                 #Replace with actual pin designation
enable_pin: motor_extruder_enable           #Replace with actual pin designation
microsteps: 16
heater_pin: HE0                             #Replace with actual pin designation
sensor_type: EPCOS 100K B57560G104F
sensor_pin: Thermistor_0                    #Replace with actual pin designation
control: pid
pid_Kp: 22.2
pid_Ki: 1.08
pid_Kd: 114
min_temp: 0
max_temp: 210

# Secondary extruder
step_pin: Motor_extruder_1_step                     #Replace with actual pin designation
dir_pin: Motor_extruder_1_dir                       #Replace with actual pin designation
enable_pin: Motor_extruder_1_enable                 #Replace with actual pin designation
heater_pin: HE1                                   #Replace with actual pin designation
sensor_pin: Thermistor_1                          #Replace with actual pin designation
sensor_type: EPCOS 100K B57560G104F
control: pid
pid_Kp: 22.2
pid_Ki: 1.08
pid_Kd: 114
min_temp: 0
max_temp: 210

Hope this helps - will be interested to see how this turns out.

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