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ERCF Install

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Hey all, I finished my MMU build and now I’m at the part I feared would give me trouble - installing Happy Hare on my ERCF EASY BRD 1.1. 

I followed the documentation shown here (first photo), went thru the install successfully, but then octoprint couldn’t connect to the printer. I thought that since maybe I had my main printer board plugged into the pi (octopus pro) that I had messed something up and it was now trying to control the printer with the ERCF ESY board. 


At this point I had taken a photo of the original configuration menu (second photo) and I tried applying that to the pi. It ended up disconnecting during the make and now I’ve reflashed my pi SD several times (octoprint and now mainsail) and can’t get the pi to even boot up now. 

What’s the right procedure for just starting the install on an ERCF ESY brd?




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I followed the guide on the Mellow website: It also makes a difference whether you have the EASY BRD as a USB or CAN board.

See here For USB and here for CAN.

From your last screenshot - it seems you have not enables "extra low-level configuration options" and thus you are missing the reference to the GPIO pin (see below):




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Thanks for the quick reply - I’ll be taking a look at those links!

That second screenshot is from after I configured the ESY board thru USB correctly as far as I know (it stated was done successfully). 

That screenshot was what I did after I couldn’t get ocotprint to recognize the printer anymore post ESY board install and HH install. I then tried that second screenshot with just my octopus board plugged in and during that my pi dropped from my network. Since then I’ve been unable to get my pi to even turn on after reflashing its sd card several times with octoprint and mainsail (tried two sd cards). 

It was silly of me to do that last screenshot, and I’m starting to understand things a bit better, but I don’t know how I somehow bricked my pi. 

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Making a lot of progress! Tradrack completed and semi calibrated. I’m able to load filament no issue, but when I “eject” it has the problem shown in the video. It errors out, but then I just press eject again and it unloads with no issue. Does this for all filament lanes. 

Trying to figure out what it could be in the hardware config. 

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