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Webcam recommendations (Voron 2.4) & collision avoidance


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Having had my first plate of Voron spaghetti overnight it's probably past due I sort out a webcam, possibly with some AI failure detection.

What are peoples top picks for webcams and mounting mods on a 2.4?  Ideally I'd like something in-chamber with a good overall view of the build plate.

In terms of what caused the spaghetti - quite large layer-shift caused, I presume, by a toolhead collision with the part (it was overnight so I wasn't there to witness it).  It threw everything out by about 1.5 inches in the X and Y axes.  It's a testament to the bridging capability that it actually made a semi-decent fist of printing the remaining top layers in mid-air where there was a side of the part to anchor it to.  My z-hop is set to 0.4 on travel but I have noticed on the first few layers of large, flat prints that the nozzle often leaves a score line across the just-printed layer as it moves away to the next part.  Do I need to up the z-hop or is something else going on that I'm missing?

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My z hop is set to 0.2mm and I never had the nozzle leaving score marks.  I would assume that something else needs to be adjusted or tuned.

I have had major layer shift problems, but they were caused either by the bowden tube snagging or the F695 bearings wearing on the XY belts.  I fixed the snagging with this bowden tube guide: 



I installed new belts, replaced some F695 bearings that had sharp edges on the flanges, and switched to beefy front idlers that I retrofitted to accept some proper gates smooth idlers.  I think the sharp edges on the F695 flanges was due to wear, but I cannot confirm this.

I use some cheap webcams from ebay and they are fine for me to monitor the progress.  I don't have any AI with my webcam to detect failures. 

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Oooo I like that guide, I'll be adding that to the print queue!

It's odd because a plate full of ERCF parts just printed fine.  The only thing that was different with the failed part was that it was 0.1 layer height instead of 0.2, and crosshatch infill instead of gyroid.

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If some plates print without any issues and random ones have layer shifts, I would suspect something is snagging.  In my case it was the bowden tube, but any loose wire could snag.  My bowden tube was snagging on one of the cable chain ends.  As the print would continue, the toolhead sometimes moved in ways that cleared the snag.   Try moving the tool head around, especially to the right rear corner, and see if anything looks like it could snag.   The belt wear seems to cause the problems more consistently.

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