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Print from SD/USB


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Hi all,


Is there a way to print from SD like other printers, I don't really need the option as the thing sits next to a pc, but I would like the option sometimes to just print?

I have Klipper screen etc so don't need the interface, but I don't know how to tell Klipper to look for files in a connected USB drive.

Plus I went to the trouble of making a snazzy modified front panel with a hole for the USB adaptor.

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So, what you're saying is that your printer isn't on any network that you can access from a web browser. And we're the only people that haven't run you out of town yet. 😄 Just kidding.

I can say with confidence that one of the core tenants for Klipper is that it IS online and its primary mode of operation is online via a web browser. Not to imply that there isn't a way to achieve what you want to do just that it might end up being more of a challenge than setting up wifi on your pi and just uploading files. I don't know your networking limitations or what printer you have, etc, etc. 

Maybe give us some details about your setup.

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I'm going to try something similar with my Voron 0, but not printing from SD.

I want to connect direct to the printer via an ethernet cable and disable the wifi.

Of course for klipper you will still need either a web browser or a slicer like Orca.

So far I have this plan of attack:

The wifi details in the system.cfg create a new wifi connection. But when you comment them out it doesn’t delete the wifi connection.

Plug a USB-C cable between your board and your computer. The USB-C port on the board allows you to SSH into the Pi/CB1 over serial connection.

Fnd the COM port by going into Device Manager and look for Ports (COM & LPT). You will see something like USB-SERIAL CH340 (COMx)
COMx is your COM port.

You can SSH in using serial, COMx, and 115200 speed. Replace COMx with the number you found in device manager.
In SSH terminal you need to use nmtui to activate the Ethernet port and deactivate / delete the WiFi.
Type “nmtui” and hit ENTER.

Select Edit Connection, scroll down to your WiFi ssid, scroll right and down to Delete. Hit ENTER. Confirm delete. Scroll down and select Back.

Select Activate Connection. Make sure your Ethernet is plugged in. Select Ethernet/Wired connection, scroll right, and Activate.
WiFi is now disabled and Ethernet enabled. Go back and select Quit.

If you type “ifconfig” the eth0 info will come up and you can see the IP address you are using. Best to make this static IP. Can Google how to do that on your camper network or on the CB1 using nmtui.

If you edit the system.cfg again and add wifi this will enable wifi again. I personally prefer to leave the wifi details blank (security risk having wifi info in plain text) and just use nmtui to manage networking.

I don't know if it works or if it what you are looking for, or I maybe barking up the wrong tree in the wrong forest like I usually am.

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18 hours ago, Penatr8tor said:

So, what you're saying is that your printer isn't on any network that you can access from a web browser. And we're the only people that haven't run you out of town yet. 😄 Just kidding.

I can say with confidence that one of the core tenants for Klipper is that it IS online and its primary mode of operation is online via a web browser. Not to imply that there isn't a way to achieve what you want to do just that it might end up being more of a challenge than setting up wifi on your pi and just uploading files. I don't know your networking limitations or what printer you have, etc, etc. 

Maybe give us some details about your setup.

Oh i'm 100% network connected, the monitor I am looking at to type this reply is almost touching the side panel and the router is about 2 meters away 🙂

Its a 1st world problem, but a couple of weeks ago I was installing a new graphics card which (as seems to be the trend) was the size of a small family car, I had to rearrange the hard drive layout and at that moment 7pm Sunday, PC in bits on the floor, I would have traded one of my children for a 5.25 to 3.5" tray adaptor.

Not to worry I have an awsome 3d printer I could have them in an hour, but no way to print without said pc, so like any conscientious guy would, I screwed them onto one side of the dvd bay with poorly fitting screws and called it good, but it got me to thinking.

I know I can't slice without a PC so the point is slightly moot, but I would like the option like my good old Ender 3, plug in a SD and play.

I have a decent TFT and Klipper screen so most actions can be completed without the web interface.

Edited by Squibo
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11 hours ago, TitusADuxass said:

I'm going to try something similar with my Voron 0, but not printing from SD.

I want to connect direct to the printer via an ethernet cable and disable the wifi.

Of course for klipper you will still need either a web browser or a slicer like Orca.

So far I have this plan of attack:

The wifi details in the system.cfg create a new wifi connection. But when you comment them out it doesn’t delete the wifi connection.


I'll look into that, i did see a "sort of guide" to mounting a usb drive to auto open in a subfolder in the main folder where the print files are based that you could just navigate to when the USB was connected.

But it was above my current understanding.

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Yeah this works.

I have installed a USB extension to the front skirt of the Voron. I can print gcodes from USB stick in Klipper, although I hardly use it, since it's more convenient to send files over wifi. I set up some auto-mount mechanism in the Raspberry Pi OS, so the USB-Stick folder gets auto-mounted when I insert a stick. A small sdcard reader to USB on the Raspberry Pi should be doable as well.





Edited by netzwerg
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50 minutes ago, netzwerg said:

Yeah this works.

I have installed a USB extension to the front skirt of the Voron. I can print gcodes from USB stick in Klipper, although I hardly use it, since it's more convenient to send files over wifi. I set up some auto-mount mechanism in the Raspberry Pi OS, so the USB-Stick folder gets auto-mounted when I insert a stick. A small sdcard reader to USB on the Raspberry Pi should be doable as well.




DId you follow a guide to do so?

I'm way more hardware than software orientated and always worry I will break everthing.

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