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Hello from Stockholm!


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I'm a maker addict since forever. Started metal lathing and milling 14 years ago. 3d printing 2017 on a Zortrax, switched to Prusa 2019. Around 2 years ago I wanted some adventure and built a Voron 2.4 (LDO kit). Works like a wonder! I've improved and extended continuously. From afterburner+revo to stealthburner+bambu hotend+ebb36+voron tap+switchless homing. An ERCF with electric spool rewinders of my own design. I have also added an on/off button for complete power up/down involving the raspberry pi. My latest addition is a filametrix filament cutter. 

Weekdays I develop web based visualization tools for project management.

Here is the beauty (but I put most effort in functionality).


I have a hose connected to the house ventilation. It has a fan, but mostly the self draught is enough to suck out the fumes. I use polycarbonate greenhouse windows (channelled double walled) instead of the standard acrylic ones, to keep the heat inside.

The ERCF works fine, but up to now I use it mostly to load filaments - not for multi-material printing yet.


Tip forming has not been reliable, so I put my hope to the new Filametrix cutter.

I have created filament spool stands which snaps to a 25x24mm Al profile. They are 3d-printed and have four 8x12x3.5mm bearings.

The stands are equipped with simple brushed motors for rewinding. I connected MOSFET power switches to a gpio pin on the ERCF controller board, and added a few lines to the ERCF code to run the motors when the filament is unloaded. The pin is controlled by PWM so the force can be controlled from the code. I will make power switches for all flament channels and send a pull request to the ERCF team to see if they want to put the addition into the code.

The rewinder motor can be seen here.


Later I will expand this concept for closed filament boxes, suitable for humidity sensitive filaments like nylon.

Edited by daredo
added voron photos and descriptions
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Welcome and thanks for sharing - looks like a magnificent setup. What I love about this hobby - everyone brings their own ideas and implementation to the group, from which we all learn

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