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Voron 2.4 layer shift

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I am looking for ideas of what else to troubleshoot a repeated layer shift problem that has started on my Voron 2.4. It may or may not be related to recent changes including: CPAP fan, Rapido UHF, and Galileo 2. I feel I have eliminated many common culprits (grub screw, speed, accels, belt tension, slicer, XY linear rail, etc).


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4 hours ago, RodimusPrime98 said:

I am looking for ideas of what else to troubleshoot a repeated layer shift problem that has started on my Voron 2.4. It may or may not be related to recent changes including: CPAP fan, Rapido UHF, and Galileo 2. I feel I have eliminated many common culprits (grub screw, speed, accels, belt tension, slicer, XY linear rail, etc).

The first two things I would check are, stepper motor current setting too low and verify that the belts are routed well and haven't jumped onto the bearing flanges. Since it is always shifting on the same diagonal, I would guess that the problem is connected to the A motor (right side).

I don't know what your acceleration setting is but it might be worth lowering it until you get things running smooth again.

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One thing you might want to check is the wiring and connections to the A motor. A faulty wire or connector could be bugging out occasionally, causing the motor to skip steps during printing. Make sure the Molex and JST connectors on either end are in good shape and plugged in securely. It could be that simple of a problem (we hope!).

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  • Check all the blind joints on your frame, a loose one can allow the z motors to flex.
  • De-rack your gantry and check the squareness of your gantry while you have the belts off.
  • Lube the hell out of your linear rails and then do it again.
  • Go through your printer.cfg and make sure the configs for your steppers are correct.
  • If the problem is consistent I might try swapping steppers to different locations and see if the problem changes. If it does you could have a bad stepper.
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Follow up, I check the items suggested but so far the problem has gone away with swapping the x and y TMC2209 drivers. Maybe I didn't fully seat the Y stepper driver when I replaced the main board with a new Octopus Pro board a few weeks ago, hard to say. I also slowed the accelerations all down to below 10K. 

Edited by RodimusPrime98
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