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Corrections to moonraker.conf


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Let me start by saying, I'm not so computer savvy when it comes to using the command prompt for making corrections. So, like many of you after installing Fluidd or Mainsail and going into Klipper you have a list of errors (see Attachment). I can't seem to be able to figure out how to locate the necessary directory  to make the changes on cmd prompt. Can anyone send me the step by step instruction how to accomplish this? I know that once in the correct directory I have to do the following:


To resolve this warning you have to install the PolicyKit permissions with the set-policykit-rules.sh script.

SSH into your system and execute the following commands:

cd ~/moonraker/scripts  
sudo service moonraker restart



Klipper-Moonraker Errors.jpg

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That's pretty much it.

SSH in to the pi. For me I have to use the IP address and I use Moba XTerm; you can also use the ssh command from the cmd in Windows or load putty. Any of them work.

Assuming you didn't change login credentials, user id is "pi" and password is "raspberry" Case matters. You will also want to change the password to something else.

From there copy/paste the three commands:

cd ~/moonraker/scripts
sudo service moonraker restart

One at a time. They:

Change directory to the correct one ("~" is a shortcut for home: /home/pi).

Run the script--same thing as a batch file.

Restart the service to implement the changes.

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I had this on both my machines. The V0.1 update with a few scrips shown above. The v2.4 didnt and wouldnt no matter what I. If it does that and to save the pain of getting it working I downloaded and installed the latest Mainsail OS on the SD. Make sure you copy your configs etc before starting witha fresh build.

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2 hours ago, MartinJ said:

I had this on both my machines. The V0.1 update with a few scrips shown above. The v2.4 didnt and wouldnt no matter what I. If it does that and to save the pain of getting it working I downloaded and installed the latest Mainsail OS on the SD. Make sure you copy your configs etc before starting witha fresh build.

Thanks. I downloaded Mainsail. Good to go on that issue and now onto the next.


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