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V2 error

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Can someone have a look at my Klippy log and tell me why I can't get my V2 to boot up??  I went back and reinstalled Katapult and Kipper after the failed " push to update all" before I read the post about not pushing the button. I usually don't have an issue reinstalling, but this time it didn't take.

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Hey @BeerMedic522,

If you want us to take a look at it, do not forget to upload it 🙂

It would also help if you can tell me something about your v2, setup, components and such.

I do not understand why you re-installed klipper / katapult.

The latest updates are all related to probes that work with the eddy current chip. But some updates are also updates to fix their own bugs. I believe at some moment there were hourly updates for klipper.

So if you do not have an eddy current probe (Beacon/ Cartographer / BTT Eddy / Mellow SHT v3), you should be okay.




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The klippy log is quite short.

All it says what you also shared, that the MCU can not connect. It suggests that your CAN network is probably not up.

I would first do what is easiest: check if all your cables are in, and you have no loose connections.

Then see if your can network exists, and if all has been set up (I can see in your printer.cfg that you have an MCU set up as a can-bus-bridge and a can toolheader with beacon as a usb device. But apparently the MCU is not connecting.)

If you want, you can run this command from esotericals site: wget -qO - debug.esoterical.online | sh

and it will give you a link that sums up your system and can network.

You can also try reading through the troubleshooting guide Esoterical has made: https://canbus.esoterical.online/troubleshooting/klipper_fail_to_start.html

Let us know how it goes.


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Thanks for the link Dirk. I get an:


  state UP
  can state ERROR-PASSIVE
  bitrate 1000000
  qlen 1024


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That means that your CAN network is up. 

And since your MCU still can not connect, you need to look at the cables. crimps, and if they are correctly connected.

To see if all can devices are correctly on the CAN bus, you can rename printer.cfg to printer.tmp, so Klipper does not grab the UUIDs, and run a 

~/klippy-env/bin/python ~/klipper/scripts/canbus_query.py can0

or the same command as above

wget -qO - debug.esoterical.online | sh

and it will show all available / recognized can UUID's on the bus.

This will help you identify which 'node' on the can bus is causing the problem.


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9 minutes ago, Dirk said:

That means that your CAN network is up. 

And since your MCU still can not connect, you need to look at the cables. crimps, and if they are correctly connected.

To see if all can devices are correctly on the CAN bus, you can rename printer.cfg to printer.tmp, so Klipper does not grab the UUIDs, and run a 

~/klippy-env/bin/python ~/klipper/scripts/canbus_query.py can0

or the same command as above

wget -qO - debug.esoterical.online | sh

and it will show all available / recognized can UUID's on the bus.

This will help you identify which 'node' on the can bus is causing the problem.

I cant remember, should I have one or two UUID's, because I only have one and it isn't named Katapult, it's CanBoot


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1 hour ago, BeerMedic522 said:

because I only have one and it isn't named Katapult,

ah... that explains a lot...

but is strange...

You should have a UUID for your toolhead board. Because you use beacon(usb) and U2C.

but the toolhead is in katapult mode. the sb2940.

You need to flash it...

look here: https://canbus.esoterical.online/toolhead_flashing/common_hardware.html

and use the correct settings to flash it according to the steps here: https://canbus.esoterical.online/Dedicated_USB_Can_Device.html#dedicated-usb-can-device


When your toolhead is flashed correctly, it should give you a KLIPPER uuid and NOT a KATAPULT one.



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  • 1 month later...
On 6/21/2024 at 11:08 AM, Dirk said:

ah... that explains a lot...

but is strange...

You should have a UUID for your toolhead board. Because you use beacon(usb) and U2C.

but the toolhead is in katapult mode. the sb2940.

You need to flash it...

look here: https://canbus.esoterical.online/toolhead_flashing/common_hardware.html

and use the correct settings to flash it according to the steps here: https://canbus.esoterical.online/Dedicated_USB_Can_Device.html#dedicated-usb-can-device

When your toolhead is flashed correctly, it should give you a KLIPPER uuid and NOT a KATAPULT one.

Sorry for the long delay in replying, work is abysmal. So I got it flashed and it says Klipper now, however I still cannot connect to the printer, I get this error.

Klipper reports: ERROR

mcu 'mcu': Unable to connect
Once the underlying issue is corrected, use the
"FIRMWARE_RESTART" command to reset the firmware, reload the
config, and restart the host software.
Error configuring printer


I reran the Esoterical script for the status, added the link: https://termbin.com/0b27


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