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EBB42 1.2 + manta M8P V2 error serial


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Your extruder is connected to the EBB42, not EBBCan. You do not have a mcu defined as EBBCan.

Change those pins from EBBCan:PD0 to EBB42:PD0 (that is if PD0 is the pin on the EBB42 board)

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@josejuancano, as @mvdveer stated, in this particular config section, change EBBCan to EBB42. 

In Klipper, your M8P will be simply mcu and all reference to pins for it will have no preceeding value, just the PX## so PA12, or whatever. In the [Tempurature_sensor] section, the entry for your M8P will be mcu, nothing else. For your EBB42, if you want the temp from the STM chip on it, you would have another [Tempurature_sensor] section with EBB42 as the mcu to monitor. 

In a nutshell, your first defined MCU is simply mcu, ever other attached MCU controlled device needs a name and when using pins from the device, you will preface the pin name (PA0) with the MCU name, in your case EBB42, so EBB42: PA0 or the pin needed.

Here is a copy of my printer.cfg, maybe it will help clarify what I just wrote:


###### Includes #####
[include klipper-macros/*.cfg]
[include mainsail.cfg]
[include sensorless.cfg]
[include stealthburner_leds.cfg]
[include chamber_leds.cfg]

##### Klipper Macros Variables #####
[gcode_macro _km_options]
# Any options variables declared here

# These are examples of some likely customizations:
# Any sheets in the below list will be available with a configurable offset.
#variable_bed_surfaces: ['smooth_1','texture_1']
# Length (in mm) of filament to load (bowden tubes will be longer).
#variable_load_length: 90.0
# Hide the Octoprint LCD menu since I don't use it.
variable_menu_show_octoprint: False
# Customize the filament menus (up to 10 entries).
#variable_menu_temperature: [
#  {'name': 'PLA',  'extruder': 200.0, 'bed': 50.0},
#  {'name': 'PETG', 'extruder' : 230.0, 'bed': 85.0},
#  {'name': 'ABS',  'extruder': 245.0, 'bed': 100.0}]
# Length of filament (in millimeters) to purge at print start.
variable_start_purge_length: 30 # This value works for most setups.
# Any code you put here will run at klipper startup, after the initialization
# for these macros. For example, you could uncomment the following line to
# automatically adjust your bed surface offsets to account for any changes made
# to your Z endstop or probe offset.
# X position to park toolhead (set "max" or "min" to infer from stepper config).
variable_park_x: 290.0
# Y position to park toolhead (set "max" or "min" to infer from stepper config).
variable_park_y: 290.0

# This line includes all the standard macros.
[include klipper-macros/*.cfg]
# Uncomment to include features that require specific hardware support.
# LCD menu support for features like bed surface selection and pause next layer.
#[include klipper-macros/optional/lcd_menus.cfg]
# Optimized bed leveling
[include klipper-macros/optional/bed_mesh.cfg]

[gcode_macro _CLIENT_VARIABLE]
variable_use_custom_pos   : False ; use custom park coordinates for x,y [True/False]
#variable_custom_park_x    : 0.0   ; custom x position; value must be within your defined min and max of X
#variable_custom_park_y    : 0.0   ; custom y position; value must be within your defined min and max of Y
#variable_custom_park_dz   : 2.0   ; custom dz value; the value in mm to lift the nozzle when move to park position
#variable_retract          : 1.0   ; the value to retract while PAUSE
#variable_cancel_retract   : 5.0   ; the value to retract while CANCEL_PRINT
variable_speed_retract    : 45.00 ; retract speed in mm/s
variable_unretract        : 0   ; the value to unretract while RESUME
variable_speed_unretract  : 45.0  ; unretract speed in mm/s
#variable_speed_hop        : 15.0  ; z move speed in mm/s
#variable_speed_move       : 100.0 ; move speed in mm/s
variable_park_at_cancel   : True ; allow to move the toolhead to park while execute CANCEL_PRINT [True/False]
#variable_park_at_cancel_x : None  ; different park position during CANCEL_PRINT [None/Position as Float]; park_at_cancel must be True
#variable_park_at_cancel_y : None  ; different park position during CANCEL_PRINT [None/Position as Float]; park_at_cancel must be True
## !!! Caution [firmware_retraction] must be defined in the printer.cfg if you set use_fw_retract: True !!!
variable_use_fw_retract   : True ; use fw_retraction instead of the manual version [True/False]
variable_idle_timeout     : 3600    ; time in sec until idle_timeout kicks in. Value 0 means that no value will be set or restored

path: /home/voron/printer_data/gcodes
on_error_gcode: CANCEL_PRINT

recover_velocity: 350



filename: /home/voron/printer_data/config/variables.cfg

serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_stm32f446xx_17000D001150535556323420-if00
restart_method: command

[mcu EBB]
canbus_uuid: a532a607ab6d

kinematics: corexy
max_velocity: 1000
max_accel: 7500
max_z_velocity: 15          
max_z_accel: 350
square_corner_velocity: 8.0
minimum_cruise_ratio: 0.5

#   X/Y Stepper Settings

##  B Stepper - Left
##  Connected to MOTOR_0
##  Endstop connected to DIAG_0
step_pin: PF13
dir_pin: PF12
enable_pin: !PF14
rotation_distance: 40
microsteps: 32
full_steps_per_rotation:200  #set to 400 for 0.9 degree stepper
endstop_pin: tmc2209_stepper_x:virtual_endstop
position_min: 0
position_max: 300
position_endstop: 300
homing_speed: 100   #Max 100
homing_retract_dist: 0
homing_positive_dir: true

[tmc2209 stepper_x]
uart_pin: PC4
interpolate: false
run_current: 0.8
sense_resistor: 0.110
stealthchop_threshold: 0
diag_pin: ^PG6      # Set to MCU pin connected to TMC DIAG pin
driver_SGTHRS: 96 # 255 is most sensitive value, 0 is least sensitive

##  A Stepper - Right
##  Connected to MOTOR_1
##  Endstop connected to DIAG_1
step_pin: PG0
dir_pin: PG1
enable_pin: !PF15
rotation_distance: 40
microsteps: 32
full_steps_per_rotation:200  #set to 400 for 0.9 degree stepper
endstop_pin: tmc2209_stepper_y:virtual_endstop
position_min: 0
position_endstop: 300
position_max: 300
homing_speed: 100  #Max 100
homing_retract_dist: 0
homing_positive_dir: true

[tmc2209 stepper_y]
uart_pin: PD11
interpolate: false
run_current: 0.8
sense_resistor: 0.110
stealthchop_threshold: 0
diag_pin: ^PG9      # Set to MCU pin connected to TMC DIAG pin
driver_SGTHRS: 128 # 255 is most sensitive value, 0 is least sensitive

#   Z Stepper Settings

## Z0 Stepper - Front Left
##  Connected to MOTOR_2
##  Endstop connected to DIAG_2
step_pin: PF11
dir_pin: PG3
enable_pin: !PG5
rotation_distance: 40
gear_ratio: 80:16
microsteps: 32
#endstop_pin: PG12
endstop_pin: probe:z_virtual_endstop
##  Z-position of nozzle (in mm) to z-endstop trigger point relative to print surface (Z0)
##  (+) value = endstop above Z0, (-) value = endstop below
##  Increasing position_endstop brings nozzle closer to the bed
##  After you run Z_ENDSTOP_CALIBRATE, position_endstop will be stored at the very end of your config
# position_endstop: -0.5
position_max: 260
position_min: -10
homing_speed: 5
second_homing_speed: 4
homing_retract_dist: 0

[tmc2209 stepper_z]
uart_pin: PC6
interpolate: false
run_current: 0.8
sense_resistor: 0.110
stealthchop_threshold: 0

##  Z1 Stepper - Rear Left
##  Connected to MOTOR_3
step_pin: PG4
dir_pin: !PC1
enable_pin: !PA0
rotation_distance: 40
gear_ratio: 80:16
microsteps: 32

##  Make sure to update below for your relevant driver (2208 or 2209)
[tmc2209 stepper_z1]
uart_pin: PC7
interpolate: false
run_current: 0.8
sense_resistor: 0.110
stealthchop_threshold: 0

##  Z2 Stepper - Rear Right
##  Connected to MOTOR_4
step_pin: PF9
dir_pin: PF10
enable_pin: !PG2
rotation_distance: 40
gear_ratio: 80:16
microsteps: 32

##  Make sure to update below for your relevant driver (2208 or 2209)
[tmc2209 stepper_z2]
uart_pin: PF2
interpolate: false
run_current: 0.8
sense_resistor: 0.110
stealthchop_threshold: 0

##  Z3 Stepper - Front Right
##  Connected to MOTOR_5
step_pin: PC13
dir_pin: !PF0
enable_pin: !PF1
rotation_distance: 40
gear_ratio: 80:16
microsteps: 32

##  Make sure to update below for your relevant driver (2208 or 2209)
[tmc2209 stepper_z3]
uart_pin: PE4
interpolate: false
run_current: 0.8
sense_resistor: 0.110
stealthchop_threshold: 0

# Beacon Bed Probe
serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Beacon_Beacon_RevH_D5A123494E5737374D202020FF074326-if00
x_offset: 0 # update with offset from nozzle on your machine
y_offset: -30 # update with offset from nozzle on your machine
mesh_main_direction: x
mesh_runs: 2

#   Extruder

##  Connected to EBB-TMC2209
##  Heater - EBB:HE0
##  Thermistor - EBB:T0

step_pin: EBB: PD0
dir_pin: EBB: PD1
enable_pin: !EBB: PD2
microsteps: 16
full_steps_per_rotation: 200
rotation_distance: 4.637
max_extrude_only_distance: 500
max_extrude_only_velocity: 120
max_extrude_only_accel: 800
max_extrude_cross_section: 5
pressure_advance: 0.018
pressure_advance_smooth_time: 0.04
nozzle_diameter: 0.400
filament_diameter: 1.750
heater_pin: EBB: PB13
sensor_type: ATC Semitec 104NT-4-R025H42G 
# sensor_type: TDK NTCG104LH104JT1
sensor_pin: EBB: PA3
# control: pid
# pid_Kp: 21.527
# pid_Ki: 1.063
# pid_Kd: 108.982
min_temp: 0
max_temp: 290

# sensor_type:MAX31865
# sensor_pin: EBB: PA4
# spi_bus: spi1
# rtd_nominal_r: 100
# rtd_reference_r: 430
# rtd_num_of_wires: 2

[tmc2209 extruder]
uart_pin: EBB: PA15
interpolate: true
run_current: 0.85
sense_resistor: 0.110
stealthchop_threshold: 0

retract_length: 0.75
#   The length of filament (in mm) to retract when G10 is activated,
#   and to unretract when G11 is activated (but see
#   unretract_extra_length below). The default is 0 mm.
retract_speed: 45
#   The speed of retraction, in mm/s. The default is 20 mm/s.
unretract_extra_length: 0
#   The length (in mm) of *additional* filament to add when
#   unretracting.
unretract_speed: 45
#   The speed of unretraction, in mm/s. The default is 10 mm/s.
# Temperature Monitoring
[temperature_sensor controller]
sensor_type: temperature_mcu
sensor_mcu: mcu

[temperature_sensor chamber]
sensor_type: Generic 3950
sensor_pin: PF4
#   See the "extruder" section for the definition of the above
#   parameters.
gcode_id: chamber
#   See the "heater_generic" section for the definition of this
#   parameter.
[temperature_sensor Toolhead]
sensor_type: temperature_mcu
sensor_mcu: EBB

# Fan Control
pin: EBB: PA0

[heater_fan hotend_fan]
pin: EBB: PA1
heater: extruder
heater_temp: 50.0

[heater_fan exhaust_fan]
pin: PD15
heater: heater_bed
heater_temp: 30.0

# [temperature_fan toolhead_fan]
# pin: PD14
# sensor_type: temperature_mcu
# sensor_mcu: EBB
# min_temp: 0
# max_temp: 75
# gcode_id: toolhead
# control: watermark
# target_temp: 26

#   Bed Heater

##  SSR Pin - HE1
##  Thermistor - TB
heater_pin: PA1
sensor_pin: PF3
sensor_type: Generic 3950
max_power: 0.6
min_temp: 0
max_temp: 120
#control: pid
#pid_kp: 58.437
#pid_ki: 2.347
#pid_kd: 363.769

# Filament Sensors
[filament_switch_sensor switch_sensor]
switch_pin: ^!PG14
pause_on_runout: True
  M117 Filament switch runout
  M117 Filament switch inserted

# [filament_motion_sensor encoder_sensor]
# switch_pin: ^PG15
# detection_length: 10
# extruder: extruder
# pause_on_runout: False
# runout_gcode:
#   M117 Filament encoder runout
# insert_gcode:
#   M117 Filament encoder inserted

#   Homing and Gantry Adjustment Routines


# [safe_z_home]
##  XY Location of the Z Endstop Switch
##  Update -10,-10 to the XY coordinates of your endstop pin 
##  (such as 157,305) after going through Z Endstop Pin
##  Location Definition step.
# home_xy_position:150,150
# speed:100
# z_hop:10

axes: xyz
  {% set home_all = 'X' not in params and 'Y' not in params and 'Z' not in params %}
  {% if home_all or 'X' in params %}
  {% endif %}
  {% if home_all or 'Y' in params %}
  {% endif %}
  {% if home_all or 'Z' in params %}
    G0 X150 Y150 F3600
    G28.6245197 Z
    G1 Z10
  {% endif %}

# Probe points

speed: 385
horizontal_move_z: 4
retries: 8
retry_tolerance: 0.0075
max_adjust: 10

speed: 350
horizontal_move_z: 0
mesh_min: 20, 20
mesh_max: 280,230
fade_start: 0.6
fade_end: 10.0
probe_count: 10,10
mesh_pps: 2,2
algorithm: bicubic

# Input Shaping
#shaper_freq_x: 84.4
#shaper_freq_y: 44.0
#shaper_type_x: 3hump_ei
#shaper_type_y: mzv

# [adxl345]
# cs_pin: EBB: PB12
# spi_software_sclk_pin: EBB: PB10
# spi_software_mosi_pin: EBB: PB11
# spi_software_miso_pin: EBB: PB2
# axes_map: x,y,z

accel_chip: beacon
min_freq: 5
max_freq: 133.33
accel_per_hz: 75

# EXP1 / EXP2 (display) pins

    # EXP1 header
    EXP1_1=PE8, EXP1_2=PE7,
    EXP1_3=PE9, EXP1_4=PE10,
    EXP1_5=PE12, EXP1_6=PE13,    # Slot in the socket on this side
    EXP1_7=PE14, EXP1_8=PE15,
    EXP1_9=<GND>, EXP1_10=<5V>,

    # EXP2 header
    EXP2_1=PA6, EXP2_2=PA5,
    EXP2_3=PB1, EXP2_4=PA4,
    EXP2_5=PB2, EXP2_6=PA7,      # Slot in the socket on this side
    EXP2_7=PC15, EXP2_8=<RST>,
    EXP2_9=<GND>, EXP2_10=<5V>

## NeoPixel SB Head
# [neopixel sb_leds]
# pin: EBB:PD3
#   The pin connected to the neopixel. This parameter must be provided.
# chain_count: 3
#   The number of Neopixel chips that are "daisy chained" to the
#   provided pin. The default is 1 (which indicates only a single
#   Neopixel is connected to the pin).
# color_order: RGBW
#   Set the pixel order required by the LED hardware. Options are GRB,
#   RGB, GRBW, or RGBW. The default is GRB.
# initial_RED: 0.5
# initial_GREEN: 0.5
# initial_BLUE: 0.5
#   Sets the initial LED color of the Neopixel. Each value should be
#   between 0.0 and 1.0. The WHITE option is only available on RGBW
#   LEDs. The default for each color is 0.#
#   Macros
[gcode_macro G32]


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