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Voron 2.4 issues



Started having issues with my printer.  I finished doing a 26 hour print which worked great.  I go to repeat the same file and this is when I started having issues.  My start program does a G28 X,Y,Z the goes and does a Quad Gantry then I have it do a G28 Z, this is when the problem occurs,  Z won't stop after trigger, using Tap by the way.  I ended up breaking the SB mount, Checked for broken wires, I did find an iffy one on the tap light sensor, repaired and thought that was my problem.  I get everything back together and same thing happens.  Also Y axis won't zero out if at right front corner, needs to be 1/2 way then Y zeros no problem.  I had the belts of and check to make sure all was free moving, slight tension on the wire chain but nothing to impede Y from Zeroing out.  Printer has about 1,150 hours  so far with a total of 411 jobs done. Up till now Printer has been working really well.  Would upgrading Mainsail cause this issue?  I did 2 or 3, 24+hour prints since upgrade. 

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@madmike46 I do not think it has anything got to do with software.

The problem you are describing, is almost always a problem of the TAP.

I would disassemble the whole toolhead and check for broken parts, missing magnets, and see if the sensor is still in its original place and triggering adequately.

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You can test with large separation between the bed and the head. Manually move the head to trigger Tap. If it doesn't, then hit the estop. It's a safer test. Before you do that, manually cycle the Tap many times and watch the status light (if you have one) indicating triggering. Also repeat the test with the bed and hot end warmed up, in case there is a thermal issue. Shake it around some, and test again. Wiggle wires and test again... When it seems good to go, then try another homing and leveling. IMHO, of course.

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