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Voron TAP and Bed Adhesive



Hi all!

I've got a quick question about using a print bed adhesive with voron tap. Has anyone had any success with using the tap mod with a print bed adhesive like a glue stick/abs slurry/hyperlok? I'm worried about the nozzle getting stuck to the print bed and damaging it.

I tried to search around to see if anyone was discussing this but couldn't find anything at all. To get around this, should I just try and QGL/mesh/home before the print and remove those protocols from my start macro?


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I've used glue stick with Tap, no problems. Most bed adhesion products are more for a separation layer, and are generally low force adhesives (not sure if that's the right term). Glue stick barely holds 2 pieces of paper together, ABS slurry only really bonds ABS-like plastics together, etc. Also, any interaction that would happen is likely lessened with Tap by probing with a "warm" nozzle, which you should do for filament residue on the nozzle anyway.

TLDR: No problems using bed adhesives and Tap

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