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Cannot connect to moonraker, no connection to ebbcan


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Hey guys, not really sure what happened here. I did some updates today and now I cannot get anything to work. I couldn't connect to moonraker for the longest time. I ssh'd in and saw there was no longer in files in my printer_data/config. I copied in a backup I had from a few weeks ago, but it will connect briefly before saying its disconnected because it cannot connect to ebb2009.

Not really sure what happened, or where to go from here. Kind of frustrated. I'm going to take a day or two before I come back to this, apologies if I do not respond very quick if anyone has any thoughts. I really don't want to do all of the flashing and stuff again, if I just have to do that one board that would be fine. It does have power, it lights up when powered on.



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Sometimes it will turn on and be just fine. I tried to update the config to get it back to where it was before last night. When I saved and restarted then it wouldn't connect to moonraker again because it cannot connect to the ebb board. The board has power. Everything has been working fine for a few weeks so I don't think it is a wire issue. I'll check all of that this weekend I guess. If that doesn't show anything I'll try to reflash?

Edit: Any benefit of switching it to usb vs can if I have to reflash? I would trust a store bought usb cable over my can wiring, even if I have to replace the cable every so often.

edit edit: I found this from esoterical of course about the exact issue I am having. I'll report back tonight. Sorry I keep posting in this, but I figure it might help someone else at some point. If that doesn't help, I'll try the flashCAN post out from here.

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11 hours ago, D__J said:

Not really sure what happened, or where to go from here. Kind of frustrated. I

Sounds like a loose connection. Bad crimp or pin not settling into connector. It would be the first place I'll start looking


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56 minutes ago, mvdveer said:

Sounds like a loose connection. Bad crimp or pin not settling into connector. It would be the first place I'll start looking


12 minutes ago, claudermilk said:

Sorry, I have to...


Yep, double check the wiring. I've had to push each pin on the V0 umbilical a couple of times after tool head maintenance. After that, I'd be looking at reflashing that board.

Haha, yeah. Updating seemed like a good idea at the time. Of course I found this gif after doing so lol. I'm thinking its a bad connection. I'll check the log tonight now that I know what to look for, then try to flash if I don't find a bad wire.

Thanks guys! At least I feel like I'm on the right track!

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As an addition to the above, I would suggest checking your SSD for faults. Faults on it lead to disappeared files from a directory.

And once you have it all working again consider using this guide to set up online backups.

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27 minutes ago, Dirk said:

As an addition to the above, I would suggest checking your SSD for faults. Faults on it lead to disappeared files from a directory.

And once you have it all working again consider using this guide to set up online backups.

Thats good to know. I'll check that out too.

I actually do have that set up. So my config now is within 2 weeks at least. Not starting from scratch is a nice plus.

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I have diagnosed a wire that is apparently an issue. I haven't had time to hunt it down yet, but following esotericals guide on looking through the klippy log, i have a bytes_retransmit that goes from 0 up to 1080 haha. I'll redo those crips/connections, and I have also ordered a new SD card to clone to because of the data loss. 

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I was able to repin the connector that had a loose wire (can L), it was the one off of the umbilical to the UTC. One of the pins pulled out the back. I must have bumped the cable at some point moving things around. Ran some speed tests with my older config to make sure everything was working (or seems to be) again. No issues. Going to print a voron cube with higher chamber temps and then run another speed test at temp and see. Then I might send a longer print overnight. 

I basically learned that any 'mcu' disconnect from the host will cause klipper/moonraker to not boot. However, it will only show what mcu after a few minutes. I kind of wish it was faster. At first I was assuming it was another issue somewhere until I happened to leave it on while looking around. Thats when I saw the unable to connect to  ebbcan. Kind of annoyed by that. If I hadn't been checking for power everywhere with it on, I would still be troubleshooting. Check your can h and can l cables lol.

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1 hour ago, mvdveer said:

Glad you got it sorted. 👍

Yessir, I appreciate everyone here pointing me in the right direction. I like building and tinkering, but when you throw in software I get overwhelmed pretty fast. It's on my list of things to learn and improve.

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  • 2 weeks later...

After you make a crimp, you really do need to give the pin a good hard pull and test that the pin is solidly connected.      I think sometimes we are afraid we might pull the pin off and it was so much work to put it on, so we don't give it a hard enough test pull.   The pin should be on good enough that if it comes off, it is because the wire broke.  It should NEVER slip off.

Although I don't do this, you should be able to disconnect a JST connector by pulling on the wires.      It is worth it to practice.  Make a connection then test it until it does fail, do this about a dozen or two times.  The parts cost only pennies, so invest $2 in your pin crimping skills.

You may find you need to buy a new and better tool, but you will not know until after you have tested a few pins to failure, you should be breaking wires.

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