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Beacon mount

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I believe that is the older IDM / Carto mount. But not sure. Try this one: https://vi.aliexpress.com/item/1005006769509497.html 

Or the one on Carto website.

To answer your question: For the older versions of Beacon, I can assure that they are the same. But the latest version (revH I believe), may have a somewhat wider hole distance. So you might want to check up on that on the CAD models available. All Cartographer CAD models can be found here.  The ones from beacon, someone else might contribute.


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6 hours ago, Dirk said:

But the latest version (revH I believe), may have a somewhat wider hole distance.

The Rev H fits on the same mounts - changed the RevD on the VZBOT to Rev H and was a direct replacement. Adjustments need to be. made on the metal exclusion zone as the RevH has a more compact design.

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1 hour ago, mvdveer said:

The Rev H fits on the same mounts - changed the RevD on the VZBOT to Rev H and was a direct replacement. Adjustments need to be. made on the metal exclusion zone as the RevH has a more compact design.

What mount are you using on your V2.4’s? Any metal ones? 

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