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5 hours ago, McCosch said:

It's a pity that no one knows how to adjust or test the servo motor (MG90) with BTT MMB CAN v1.0 board......

Sorry can't help you at the moment. I have the board installed on my ERCF v2, but have not done any programming on it. Work unfortunately has to take priority at this stage and time to dedicate to this is just not there.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The obvious things to check are

(1) Are you sure the servo is connected correctly.  Not all servos use the same order in their cables.   the three wires are +, -, and pwm and sometime "+" might be in the center or not.   It is best to test the servo and verify you know which wires are which and that the servo works.    

(2) have you looked at the signal on the output pin?  Is it a realistic PWM signal and how many volts peak?   You probably want a 60Hz PWM at 5 volts peak.   Some digital servos can handle 1000Hz or more but likely not if you have a cheap $4 servo.

(3) If you don't see the expected signal on PA0, BTT is notorious for mis-labling output pins.  Even if the white silkscreen reads "PA0" is it really connected to PA0?  But BTT is pretty good at putting up data on GitHub.  See what is there they may have updated schematics.   On one of my BTT boards, the silkscreen reads "0" but it is pin "10" and you don't know until you read the updated schematic.  But I don't know about your board.

Edited by chrisalbertson
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  • 2 months later...

I'm researching external "slave" board for some kind of MMU.  I'm not sure if it will be ERCF / Tradrack / Raven(8track)

I have 2 spare drivers on my M8p, so I might experiment with just the mainboard.

Are there any MMU board that can support 2+ servos?  

  • 1 servo for the drive lever.
  • 1 servo for the cutter.
  • (Option) 1 servo for extruder A vs B for future expansion.
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